Saturday, July 15, 2006

Israel prowls against terrorism, Palestine, Syria, Iran. . .

Syria, and her ambassadors, are done with Beirut. Ja'afari, the Syrian Ambassador said, "We cannot go in, then go out and come in like mercenaries, it will not happen. But, we wish Lebanon well."

In turn, the Diplomat from Syria also stated that the Hezbollah attacks on Israeli soldiers did not warrant such a strong response from Jerusalem.

He also stated that Israel's nuclear installations could eventually be targeted by Hezbollah, later claiming that Syria knows of seven Isreli nuclear centers all over the country. He also stated that it was Syria's forced withdrawal from Lebanon (Syria had previously occupied Lebanon for 20 years) that has allowed the Hezbollah attacks on Israeli settlements, concluding that Washington bears some of the responsibility for the current escalation of tensions.

In turn, Iran's president warned Israel against extending its offensive in Lebanon to neighboring Syria, saying such a move would be regarded as an attack on the whole Islamic World.

Okay, I've had enough of this. Attacking Syria is an attack on the whole Islamic World? Like Syria is this innocent little country minding its own business, or something. When we moved in Afghanistan and Iraq I felt we should have also invaded Syria and Iran at that time, but everybody scoffed at what I said.

How about this? Attacking Israel is an attack on the whole Jewish World -- and the Arab nations have been doing that ever since Jacob and Esau's situation with Isaac over a bowl of soup! (You'll have to refer to the Old Testament to understand that statement, and honestly, I haven't the time to hold a sermon just now).

The Arab world calls Israel a pirate state, and occupying regime (West Bank and Gaza), and now Iran is calling on all Muslim countries to create a united front against Israel.

Oh, and the captured Israeli prisoners that this all started over are being transferred to Iran.

What kind of dog-caca is this?

I hope the world wakes up soon, or that Israel makes minced meat of the area (of which they are completely capable of) or else North Korea and Iraq and Osama will be the least of our worries. Nonetheless, Israel is our ally, our friend, and not only has a right to defend herself, but we should be there by her side through it all.

I guess it is finally time to crush the remaining dictators and terrorist sympathizers.

Victim Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. While I steadfastly support Israel in her efforts, I am disgusted by the half-hearted support that Israel is getting from the rest of the western world.
