Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Life on this planet of ours

When life gives you lemons you toss them aside and grow a peach tree.

Waiting for circumstances to change so you can feel good is like looking in a mirror
waiting for your reflection to smile first.

I have been absent for a few days because my wife spent a couple days in the hospital, and I was there by her side (not sleeping or eating) the entire time. I love my wife and could not imaging a single day without her in my life. As much as the world situation continues to brew, and World War III lurks in the shadows, as Newt Gingrich would indicate, my life with my wife takes precidence. She is home, now, alive and confused after a situation that could have ended her life. She is one of the healthiest people I know, yet suddenly she has been struck down unexpectantly.

My dad has always said, "You are only as strong as your weakest link."

He's right.

Thanks for your support and prayers.

God Bless America.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that she has had a tough time, Don't know what happened but it appears that all is getting back to normal? My prayers for your wife and your family as always.
