Sunday, September 24, 2006

Pride and Patriotism

This morning, on the way to worship, I spotted an old pickup truck on the freeway being driven by an older Mexican gentleman that reminded me of my wife's father. My mind immediately rationalized that he was probably a hard working man that came here from Mexico searching for a better opportunity for himself and his children.

Then I noticed a blue bumper sticker plastered to his back window. The sticker was large and easily read, placed in a prominent portion of the window, up high, with pride. The sticker read, "MY DAUGHTER IS SERVING IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE."

There is nothing better than an American of Mexican descent, or a Mexican immigrant of legal residence (for that matter) proud of their American connection rather than holding out their hand for welfare freebies, and then biting the American hand that feeds them, only to ask for more hand-outs, while pledging their allegiance to another flag. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage, but to appreciate, and defend, the nation that gave you the opportunities that you came here for is the right thing to do.

And then, why is it that a man like him, or my wife, who came to America from Mexico, believes more in defending our nation, and protecting our interests, and protecting our shores from further terrorist attacks by taking the battle to the terrorists than many of those born right here in freedom? Who cares if Bush feels like invading Iraq was in God's best interest or not? Why does that flippin' matter? We were invaded on 9/11. The jihad came to America. We all cried afterward, and held our pride up when Bush said that "The United States will hand down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts." - President George W. Bush, 9-11-2001.

We also agreed with the president, even though he carries his Bible under his arm (of which I not only don't have a problem with, but I appreciate), when Rumsfield stated, "It will not be quick and it will not be easy. Our adversaries are not one or two terrorist leaders, or even a single terrorist organization or network. It's a broad network of individuals and organizations that are determined to terrorize and, in so doing, to deny us the very essence of what we are: free people. They don't live in Antarctica. They work, they train and they plan in countries. They're benefiting from the support of governments. They're benefiting from the support of non-governmental organizations that are either actively supporting them with money, intelligence and weapons or allowing them to function on their territory and tolerating if not encouraging their activities. In either case, it has to stop. We'll have to deal with the networks. One of the ways to do that is to drain the swamp they live in. And that means dealing not only with the terrorists, but those who harbor terrorists. This will take a long, sustained effort. It will require the support of the American people as well as our friends and allies around the world."

Did we forget 9/11? Did we forget our anger? How about this quote? Did we forget it too? "The planes were hijacked, the buildings fell, and thousands of lives were lost nearly a thousand miles from here. But the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were an attack on the heart of America. And standing here in the heartland of America, we say in one voice – We will not give in to terrorists;We will not rest until they are found and defeated; We will win this struggle – not for glory, nor wealth, nor power, but for justice, for freedom, and for peace; So help us God." --Tom Harkin

Even Bill Clinton, before he flip-flopped as liberals tend to do, said, "A few months ago, and again this week, bin Laden publicly vowed to publicly wage a terrorist war against America, saying, and I quote, 'We do not differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians. They're all targets.' Their mission is murder, and their history is bloody."

Even the international stage was with us at that time. "The full horror of what has happened in the United States earlier today is now becoming clearer. It is hard even to contemplate the utter carnage and terror which has engulfed so many innocent people. We've offered President Bush and the American people our solidarity, our profound sympathy, and our prayers. But it is plain that citizens of many countries round the world, including Britain, will have been caught up in this terror." --British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Interview, September 11, 2001.

Unfortunately, after reading about the treasonous remarks of the American Media, and receiving emotionally charged (but short on facts) comments on my last post by persons whose site claims that they are Christian Liberals (but they are Americans, nonetheless), and by some of the comments I here certain friends and family say that are liberally charged by the New Age movement and the remnants of the "love-beads" generation, I find it sad to say that the most patriotic person I know of, aside from my president, and fellow conservative bloggers, is the British Prime Minister, who isn't obviously American. So, let's close with his remarks.

"So what do we do? Don't overreact some say. We aren't. We haven't lashed out. No missiles on the first night just for effect. Don't kill innocent people. We are not the ones who waged war on the innocent. We seek the guilty. Look for a diplomatic solution. There is no diplomacy with Bin Laden or the Taliban regime. State an ultimatum and get their response. We stated the ultimatum; they haven't responded. Understand the causes of terror. Yes, we should try, but let there be no moral ambiguity about this: nothing could ever justify the events of 11 September, and it is to turn justice on its head to pretend it could. The action we take will be proportionate; targeted; we will do all we humanly can to avoid civilian casualties. But understand what we are dealing with. Listen to the calls of those passengers on the planes. Think of the children on them, told they were going to die. Think of the cruelty beyond our comprehension as amongst the screams and the anguish of the innocent, those hijackers drove at full throttle planes laden with fuel into buildings where tens of thousands worked. They have no moral inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent. If they could have murdered not 7,000 but 70,000 does anyone doubt they would have done so and rejoiced in it? There is no compromise possible with such people, no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with such terror. Just a choice: defeat it or be defeated by it. And defeat it we must.--British Prime Minister Tony Blair


Any action taken will be against the terrorist network of Bin Laden.... As for the Taleban, they can surrender the terrorists or face the consequences - and again in any action the aim will be to eliminate their military hardware, cut off their finances, disrupt their supplies, target their troops, not civilians.--British Prime Minister Tony Blair


We will put a trap around the regime and I say to the Taleban: Surrender the terrorists or surrender power. It's your choice.--British Prime Minister Tony Blair


America has its faults as a society, as we have ours.But I think of the Union of America born out of the defeat of slavery. I think of its Constitution, with its inalienable rights granted to every citizen still a model for the world. I think of a black man, born in poverty, who became chief of their armed forces and is now secretary of state Colin Powell and I wonder frankly whether such a thing could have happened here. I think of the Statue of Liberty and how many refugees, migrants and the impoverished passed its light and felt that if not for them, for their children, a new world could indeed be theirs. I think of a country where people who do well, don't have questions asked about their accent, their class, their beginnings but have admiration for what they have done and the success they've achieved. I think of those New Yorkers I met, still in shock, but resolute; the fire fighters and police, mourning their comrades but still head held high.--British Prime Minister Tony Blair


As for those that carried out these attacks there are no adequate words of condemnation. Their barbarism will stand as their shame for all eternity.--British Prime Minister Tony Blair



  1. It occures to me that one of the main reasons we have to hear about the world hating us is the MSM has worked so hard to get the emotions of others around the thrird rock from the sun angry.

    If they spent as much time working to build/rebuild that "damn bridge" they clain Bush has burnt all would be well.

  2. Good read. IMO the MSM is as guilty as the left of flip flopping

    Put God back in our schools and pride back in our nation then things will improve.
    as long as the ACLU and Liberal judges continue to make America a haven for the criminals and anti-American trash we will be a divided country
