Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ever seen a Christian Jihadist? Me neither.

I'm not Catholic, so when the Pope speaks I'm usually not hanging on the edge of my chair with the TV in my face. However, when Pope Benedict XVI made his comments regarding the alleged prophet Muhammed and his teachings of hate and murder the pope was right on the money. And the interesting thing is that the comments made were not recently concocted words regarding Islam. The Pope was quoting a 14th century Byzantine Christian. Nothing has changed. Islam is the same violent religion it was centuries ago. And isn't it interesting after these comments how a large number of Muslims proclaiming themselves to be peace loving reacted violently? They insult Christianity and Judaism daily, but if anything is said about the Muslim religion that isn't complete flattery mobs take to the streets all over the world and act in ways that are far from being even remotely like the peace loving religion they claim to be. The reaction by Islam to the Pope's statements is just another warning sign of what the freedom-loving nations of the world are up against.

And one more word for the idiots that try to claim that Christianity is as much a danger as is Islam --- Have you ever seen a Christian strapping explosives to his body to kill himself along with kids and other innocents?


  1. I've linked-and bookmarked you. Great blog!

  2. " Have you ever seen a Christian strapping explosives to his body to kill himself along with kids and other innocents?"

    I have, it is in the next Michael Moore flick, proof that Bush is a terrorist.

    All kidding aside, it is a riot that the reaction to saying there are violent Muslims is they burn, kill, and march chanting death upon someone.

  3. Anonymous7:08 PM

    HMM...CHRISTIAN JIHADIST...Is that what you call it when you go in and invade a country in the name of Christianity, bomb the hell out of it, destroy the infrastructure, and occupy the country, and 3 years later 6,000 Iraqis are being killed Daily, and we're supposed to believe we're making progress? When the rest of the world is calling on the US to end torture of detainees, when we deliberately send people to Syria to be questioned and tortured, and then discover that they are INNOCENT, after they have been tortured, I don't know if "Christian Jihad" is the term to use, but that would be putting it mildly at best.

  4. When did the President say we were going in to Iraq “in the name of God”? 6,000 DAILY? Are you kidding me? Even Iraqi Body Count has most days with several deaths, all of June was 1,038. So I guess in your world each month is 1/6 of a day? You facts are so off, I am not going to even bother to reply any further. Obviously you need to learn a few things to have an informed debate.

  5. Rick and Kathy, my my my, Bush never invaded Iraq in the name of Christianity. The narrow-minded seem to think that because he is a Christian everything he does is in the name of Christianity. That is false. He is the President of the United States and everything he does is in the interest of keeping his nation safe; but because he is a Christian, he prays about his decisions. He doesn't preach at anyone, nor does he hold his Bible out in front of him, but he does keep his bible under his arm, knowing that ultimately he will be judged by God for his actions - bad or good. Okay, with that said, 6,000 Iraqis killed daily is an interesting claim. Hmmm, Iraq has 26,000,000 people, approximately, and at 6,000 per day, that's 7 million killed in 3 years, so now their population must be below the 20 million mark, and at that rate in 9 more years they'll all be dead . . . wait a minute, the BBC says a total of 45,000 have died (and they are a liberal source that should agree with you), and you know as well as I do that your figure is a ridiculous figure. Do you really think that that many Iraqis are being killed? Okay, fine, how about this? How many died under the fist of Saddam? How many Americans would have died had we not taken the war to the terrorists? How many of those dead in Iraq are innocents killed at the hands of the terrorist insurgency? How many people have died worldwide because of Islamic terrorism? Before spewing off like you did, get your facts straight, and your common sense pointed in the right direction. Fact is, whether you or any other liberal wants to accept it, the terrorists want us dead. They will not stop until you, and your children, are dying in the street, and they aren't stopping until they dominate the world with their ideology of murder, violence, and muted human rights. If you are so mad that Bush is defending this country by taking the fight to the terrorists, and nations that support terrorism, then do us all a favor, and move to a country that better suits your idiocy - - I guarantee after seeing what it's like to lose your rights elsewhere, you'll be begging to return to America as quickly as possible - - and you'll be thanking God when you're back.

  6. Anonymous12:36 AM

    First, I was completely wrong on 6000 dead Iraqis per day. I apologize. It is more like 1000 per month. I requoted something I heard and didn't have my facts straight. That doesn't lessen the importance of every single Iraqi child, and if it was YOUR child it wouldn't matter if it was ONE or a Thousand, YOUR child would still be dead.
    As far as George Bush saying that God told him to invade Iraq, that is true and it is common knowledge. ("Christian Jihadism")
    Of course, you won't hear about it if you get all your "news" from Fox network.
    As far as me moving to another country, I have a better idea. Why don't you and the rest of the right-wing radicals move to a country like China where you can torture people who don't agree with you? I happen to love my country, the United States of America, and am tired of it being SABOTAGED by hate-mongers.

  7. At the rate we are going with the Liberal undermining of this country, nobody that desires to would need to move someplace like Communist China because under the hands of social liberalism America won't be much different. The problem with folks like you is you fail to realize that Islam is not just some harmless movement that desires whatever you think they desire; they have one goal, and they have made it absolutely clear what that agenda is, and that is to spread Islam's violent ideology worldwide, and as a method to do it that means to kill anyone who refuses to convert, or anyone they don't feel has converted, and that means, for the most part, everyone. Period. The few dying now in defense of freedom is well worth it because the number is infinitesimal compared to the number dead if Radical Islam was left to run rampant. And as for the children dying, the majority of that number is at the hands of terrorists, and many of those young people with guns in there hands. The Muslim faith teaches their children violence from the get-go, so the campaign against terrorism is not just to protect the United States from future attacks, but to protect the women and children wrongfully treated (and killed) by the hands of such a violent, terroristic ideology.
