Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The United Nations actually buys the line of bull by Iran that their nuclear program is peaceful

According to the Associated Press, today, Iranian president Mahmound Ahmadinejad addressed the 61st session of the United Nations hours after President Bush and stated, "Iran's nuclear activities are transparent, peaceful and under the watchful eye of United Nations inspectors."

He responded to the accusations that he is seeking to develop atomic weapons with a statement saying that Iran is committed to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

You and I know that these are all false statements. Dictators, throughout history, have proven time and time again that what they desire is a better weapon so that they may spread their agenda, or ideology, more efficiently, and with more terror attached than before. And on top of that, In an obvious reference to the U.S., he indicated falsely that he felt there were some permanent members of the security council using the powerful body as a tool of "threat and coercion." Look who's talking! I suppose Hezbollah and their involvement financially, as well as in other ways, with numerous terrorist cells, is an exception.

The Iranian President also said, "The question needs to be asked: if the governments of the United States or the United Kingdom, who are permanent members of the Security Council, commit aggression, occupation and violation of international law, which of the U.N. organs can take them into account."

"If they have differences with a nation or state, they drag it to the Security Council and as claimants, arrogate to themselves simultaneously the roes of prosecutor, judge and executioner," he added. "Is this a just order?"

The war on terror, which includes activities in Afghanistan and Iraq, falls far short of being a simple case of having "differences" with those particular nations. Terrorism by the hands of Islamic Jihadists is an age old problem that has been escalating and growing for generations, and now, after an attack against America on our soil on 9/11, we are at war with terror. Any nation that harbors terrorists, assists terrorists, trains terrorists, or finances terrorists, is on our hit list. Simple as that. Iran has a long history supporting terrorism and spreading terrorism (most notably the hostage crisis of '79), and we would be fools to allow them anything close to resembling the ability to build a nuclear weapon. The U.N., unfortunately, along with the liberal left, is too stupid or naive to recognize that.

The U.S. and Britain played central roles in crafting a U.N. Security Council resolution passed in July that gave Iran until Aug. 31 to suspend uranium enrichment and asked the International Atomic Energy Agency to report on Tehran's compliance, dangling the threat of sanctions if Iran refused.

Iran, all along, has made it clear to the world that they have no intention of suspending uranium enrichment.

The Iranian president (shouldn't call him president, because he sure didn't attain that status legally) Mahmound Ahmadinejad also made reference to the U.S. efforts in Iraq, saying "the occupiers are incapable of establishing security in Iraq" and every day hundreds of people get killed "in cold blood." Well, how about that, he's right for once, people are getting killed in cold blood. That's why we are there. To assist the Iraqi people against the terror threat (al-Qaeda and Iranian influence is largely responsible for the cold blooded killing going on in Iraq) present in that nation, until Iraq's own forces can get a handle on it and protect the nation themselves.

Ahmadinejad claimed that numerous terrorists apprehended by the Iraqi government were "let loose under various pretexts by the occupiers."

"It seems that intensification of hostilities and terrorism serves as a pretext for the continued presence of foreign forces in Iraq," he said.

And when terrorism is no longer a problem in that nation, then we will move on - - I think Iran and Syria ought to be next, personally.


  1. Perhaps we should submit this post on Reject the U.N. as it cleary defines thier stupidity.

    Nice to have you back, bro.

    Go Navy!
    He is Risen!

  2. If Doug will give me permission, I will repost this at UN and link it back, great post Doug...

  3. Nice to be back, thank you Gawfer.
    Texas Fred, of course you have permission to re-print.
    Gunz, you are right on the money - as always. . .and calling the UN inept and worthless is a compliment in my eyes - - the organization has become worse. . .a tool of liberal socialism worldwide.
