Friday, April 06, 2007

As Expected, the liberals once again prove they are idiots

As expected, the truth about the 15 British service member's detainment is far different than the Liberal Left tried to proclaim. The Brits were coerced to make the statements on Iranian TV that they were being fairly treated, and they were psychologically pressured during their time in Iranian hands. For more, Click Here.

As expected, the Left (Alan Colmes for one) is trying to shift the blame of the capture of these British sailors and Marines to the United States. They are stating that our capture of 5 Iranian diplomats on the battlefield in Iraq caused Iran to take these 15 Brits illegally, in Iraqi waters. Typical.

As expected, Pelosi has proven once again that she is a traitor. Her recent visit to Syria (remember, foreign relations is the responsibility of the Executive Branch, not Congress, and definitely not the responsibility of the Speaker of the House) has drawn jeers from many Americans, but the San Francisco speaker's controversial trip to Syria is receiving cheers from Palestinian terror groups, praising the Democratic leader's questionable Mideast jaunt. Hmmm, the enemy likes what she did? The proof is in the pudding.

As expected, because I designed it as such, I have been accused of contradicting myself in the last post because I admit in the first paragraph that we all compromise sometimes in our lives, but when it comes to certain things we should not compromise. This is a basic failing of the liberals. They are unable to recognize the obvious. So, let me spell it out for you. When your spouse wants seafood, and you want steak, every once in a while, you compromise because you love your spouse. When your buddy and you are arguing over who picks up the bill at the restaurant, sometimes you compromise, and share the bill. That is how we sometimes compromise in life. It is not a perfect world, and on occasion it is necessary to compromise. That does not make me or anybody else a hypocrite. You choose your battles, and you choose your compromises. However, there are some things we should never compromise on, be it matters of faith (abortion, homosexuality, etc.), or like believing the enemy (Iran) before our own allies (the British). This is why I will not vote for official that is dead-set against three moral issues I feel strongly about, i.e. Rudy's pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-gun control positions. I swear, sometimes I think that liberals have their heads so far up their butts that it would take an oversized shoe-horn just to pry their heads loose.

As expected, the next Political Pistachio Radio Show is going to be a good one. Mrs. Pistachio and myself will be joined by Gary W. Moore, author of "Playing With The Enemy." Tune in. It will be a great show. Remember, Saturday at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern for the live show, or you can listen to the archive later.


  1. ohhoho Doug! what a winning sense of humor you have!

    Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter!

  2. I agree compromise is a nasty mistress. She appears to be a great solution to a current crisis. But down the line, you realize you gave up on something you believe in, then the little sins of life don't appear as bad. Slowly but surely you whittle yourself down to fraction of the human being you once were.

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    DG - "if" that liberal you are referring is me, then please note that I always knew you would never vote for Guliani...

    I know who your choices are right now...Brownback, and Hunter. But they have no traction. On your show you tried to justify a Romney vote, but I think Mrs. P made it very clear that that would be hypocritical, in her view.

    At the same time, this is true of all the GOP Candidates. None of them have any traction: the front runners are on death watches. It's a bleak time to be a Republican Rightwinger. That's for sure.

    And finally, your post, DG, completely leaves out the fact there was a delegation of MINORITY Republicans who went to Syria that same week. Why is that? Do you not know about it? If you don't know about it, why not? Are you saying it's ok for republicans to go to Syria, but not Democrats? Last I looked, this was still America.


    And you know DG - when it comes to us liberals, you really don't have to be ALL that insulting (also, I've seen that pic on various sites for years - get some original art, and hopefully on your show, after the music plays, you will give credit to the performers - legal hint!!!)

    Evolution and devolution occur at the same time, and your site is, well, changing. It used to be a place of decorum.

    Deviled Eggs to one and all.

    For goodness sake, spouse seafood, spouse and turf! Yeah, I know in this time of war, that's a great compromise. DG - don't get me started on food!!! You're the one who started the food metaphors...gauntlet.

  4. Anonymous9:40 AM

    As for the Brit soldiers, they played it smart and smooth. The got out of their alive and intact, after a short amount of time, and without a drop of blood loss.

    Rather than going all Rambo.

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    And if they had all been killed, they wouldn't have been able to come back with any intel, now would they?

    Think Alice in Wonderland. Get it?

  6. Hi Doug,

    Yea the Liberals always have their heads up their Arses.

  7. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Very substantive response Rider...come on, I know you can do better than that. And so can DG.


  8. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Surf AND turf... not surf OR turf...what's wrong with you people!

  9. Hi Douglas

    I've just tried to leave a little comment over at Rosie o'Dingbat's to ask her about her "Gulf of Tonkin" (Google it!) theory.

    What a surprise- comments are "off".

    She can dish it out but apparantly can't take it.

  10. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Hey Kris - Gulf of Tonkin lie...lies re WMD's, etc. - What's your point?
