Compromise is a multi-faceted word. Sometimes, compromise is good. Sometimes, compromise is necessary. When it comes to my own personal life, compromise does nothing more than get me into trouble.
A reader sent me an article on his site by e-mail he thought I would find fascinating. It refers to a recent fundraiser in Los Angeles for Rudy Giuliani and a founder of an Evanglical Church as one of the people involved with supporting Rudy. Apparently, according to the writer of the e-mail, "Christian Conservatives are willing to look the other way on Giuliani's progressive social positions."
Rudy is Pro-choice, Pro-Gay Marriage, and Pro-Gun Control. However, aside from the fact that he curbed crime in New York, has a strong position on the Global War on Terror (a phrase by the way the left is trying to eliminate), and is America's Mayor, it seems conservatives are forgetting that position on those libertine issues is not what conservatism stands for.
Voters compromised last November, as well. In an attempt to send a message to the current administration, voters voted the Democrats into Congressional power, and now look what we have gotten ourselves into. Now, to the surprise of these so-called conservatives, the House's budget recommendation includes a proposal that will surpass Clinton's largest tax increase in history in 1993. Newt Gingrich details the increase in his article at Human Events Online.
Compromise, my friends, can be a dangerous thing. We have compromised over the years with little things, and our society has responded in ways that has given birth to Political Correctness, and the Secular Progressive Agenda. Compromise destroys governments, and brings down civilizations. Don't compromise, stand up for what you believe, and ask yourself if Ronald Reagan would approve of Rudy, or even give liberal commenters airtime on a conservative blog.
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ReplyDeleteDG - didn't you once say on your radio show that you might be willing to compromise and vote for Romney?
ReplyDeleteWhere'd you get that picture of me? I was looking for it the other day.
Rudy is nothing more than a moonbat libber and an insult to the word conservative.
ReplyDeleteHe needs to change his name to 'Ruby' and get on over to the other side where he belongs...
Rudy's out, Newtie's out, Romney's out...
ReplyDeleteWho ya got wingers?
I agree that compromise can get you in to just as much trouble as it can solve. I think the lefties that believe in the utopia globe think compromise is always the best action. It isn’t. Sometimes your foot needs to be put down and you need to hunker down for a fight. Is something really worth anything if you aren’t willing to fight for it?
ReplyDeleteI mean that in both ways: sometimes with arms, sometimes with words. I think it is about time to end this bi-partisan bull. Why not be partisan and actually stand up for what you believe in? Why is that such a bad thing? Why must we live in a country where people fear taking a stand? You can argue that he is wrong, but at least the President is willing to stand by what he thinks is right… no matter what mud the left wants to throw. That is what makes him more principled and a better American (in my opinion) than so many on the left that instead of just standing by something they find the little ways to run away from things.
Forget the “War on Terror” I mean it is all good, nothing to see here folks keep it moving. Pathetic.
I'm currently looking into Duncan Hunter. There is plenty of time... unlike the left I don't want to hitch my wagon to a drunken mule, I'd rather find a star.
ReplyDeleteGood choice Jenn, and Tancredo announced he's officially in the other day which is my guy.
Those 2 seem to have a lot of similarities and respect for each other. Either one, regardless, are great choices and true conservatives...
I did not say that I was willing to compromise to vote for Romney. I stated that politically he falls in line better than Rudy and based on his politics I may be willing to vote for him. He is claiming to be pro-life (flip-flop or realizing his error?), and so forth. Rudy is a Liberal with a handful of views that meet with the conservative view, primarily his view on the war on terror.
ReplyDeleteTom Tancredo's my choice unless Newt officially throws his hat in the ring.
ReplyDeleteI have always been against both Rudy Giuliani and John McCain. Neither of them are conservatives despite how the media would paint them.
Mitt Romney comes in as my third choice, but I'm not too pleased with him either.
Hunter and Tancredo are my top two for sure. We'll see how it pans out.
ReplyDeleteStrong on defense of this country, strong on the border. Hunter and Tancredo I believe, will not compromise either on issue.
ReplyDeleteRomney is smart. He has shown an ability to 'make lemonaid out of sour lemons, eg. Olympics in Salt Lake. He has Strong family values and lots of money.
I agree with Gunz. Rudy is a hollow candidate. One without substance.
Tancredo will maccaca himself long before he's ever taken seriously, outside of a shout-fest.
ReplyDeleteYou may very well be right Muddkitty, but then again, that may be your picture that Doug posted in his subsequent post.
ReplyDeleteOh that's definitely a picture of me. DG is not the first to use it (sorry, DG...maybe something more original?)
ReplyDeleteThank you for your concern G, regarding the use of my image...but you don't have to worry 'bout me.
Oh yeah, I was a brunette, back then.