Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Congratulations, Osama bin Laden, and the upcoming PPR schedule!

Last night during the Republican Debate in South Carolina on Fox News Channel something became clear to me. The liberals have succeeded in dividing conservatives, and Islam has succeeded in dividing America.

I saw a political cartoon in Monday's paper that showed Osama bin Laden (or is it Usama bin Laden? I never know anymore) sitting in a cave with an Islamic cleric sitting beside him. The cleric says, "The Democrats say the war is lost. . . they want to withdraw their troops now. . . they've lost their will to fight. . . their country is hopelessly divided!" In the next panel the cleric says, "Congratulations," as a banner reading MISSION ACCOMPLISHED unveils above them.

It seems the only people in the political realm remaining steadfast is the Bush Administration. Sure, they have fallen short because in this war what should have happened was many more troops, much more equipment, aerial bombardments, full use of our technology, and a show of military might that should have ended the conflict in a few months, rather than this slow police action that is creating nothing more than the division we see in America Osama (Usama) desired when he orchestrated 9/11. It is simple. They wish to convert us, or kill us. We wish not to be converted or killed. Answer: we go at them at full strength with all of our fire power, we profile them in this country and we quit allowing the idiocy flowing from the politically correct, anti-war loon's mouths from convincing us to do any different.

During the debate I got a chuckle when Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee slipped in a criticism of the anti-American, treasonous, cowardly congressional members at the debate, saying Congress has "spent money like John Edwards at a beauty shop." This, of course, was a slap at Edwards who caught everyone's attention for spending $400 of campaign money on a haircut.

California Rep. Duncan Hunter, the candidate I believe this nation needs (but will probably have to settle for honorable mention when it is all over because of the cash machines that inhabit the first three spots) wrote the border fence bill signed by President Bush in October. He rightly criticized the Bush administration for not moving more quickly to build the barrier.
He stated, "We need to be able to ask people when they want to come into America: Knock on the front door because the back door's going to be closed," Hunter said.

McCain sought to solidify his position as the frontrunner in the South Carolina polls by saying he is willing to be the last man standing in favor of war (this coming a few months after he called the troops deaths over their "lives wasted". McCain stated at one point, "If we fail in Iraq we will see Iraq become a center for Al Qaeda, chaos, genocide in the region and they will follow us home; Americans are frustrated because of the mishandling of this war, but America's vital national security interests are at stake."

Romney began strong, then fell behind under criticism. Rudy Guiliani stood fast on his positions, but made the highlight reel when he cornered Ron Paul (the major idiot on the stage) and told him to take back what he insinuated in regards to the reasons for terrorist plots against America. That's right, there was an idiot on the stage in favor of cutting and running, and actually blamed America's presence in the Middle East for 9/11.

Uh, I think Ron Paul's seeking nomination for the wrong party.

In the end, the candidate in my mind that won was Duncan Hunter. Hmmmm, I think Jenn is right. We need a Duncan Hunter/Cary Cartter ticket.


and by the way, while I am thinking about it, check this out:

Exciting things are coming up for Political Pistachio Radio.

Political Pistachio Radio has landed some important guests for upcoming shows.

This coming Saturday, May 19, 2007 at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern, which is appropriately Armed Forces Day, we have a proud veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and a founding member of Catholic Veterans Against Kennedy, Kerry, and McGovern. Paul Couturier will be our guest to discuss the ongoing war in Iraq - and be aware, he is far from being politically correct - and he is still active duty so though I urge callers to call in and ask him questions, we must be respectful of his position as a current active member of the military.

On Saturday, May 26, 2007 at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern, we will have Warren Lee Culpepper who is currently writing his book, "Alone and Unafraid: One Marine's Counterattack Inside the Walls of Public Education" on as an expert guest to discuss how our children are being indoctrinated in public schools, especially in light of this recent lawsuit in Chicago over a teacher showing Brokeback Mountain in a class of twelve year olds (not only because of the gay agenda attached to that film, but the R-rating). He is not only a fellow blogger at Culpepper: Marine Teaching Maniac, but is also a contributing columnist for The North Carolina Conservative, The HinzSight Report, The Publius' Forum, and Mich News dot com.

The Saturday after that, June 2, 2007 at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern, we will have a very special guest: Cary Cartter of - or as some of you know it: I'm Thinking of the "O" Word (I meant Obvious, what were YOU thinking?). He will be on the show to discuss Election 2008, his write-in candidacy, and what is needed to return our nation to Conservative Values.

Saturday, June 9, 2007 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern, myself and Mrs. Pistachio are currently negotiating with a potential guest with an extensive military background, extensive weapons knowledge, and the author of a Clancy-style book that is taking the nation by storm.

The day before Father's Day, June 16, 2007 at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern, Gary Moore of "Playing With The Enemy" may join us (waiting for final affirmation). He was interviewed by Political Pistachio Radio on April 7, 2007 and that show has been the most listened to of all PPR episodes. He will be back to join Mrs. Pistachio and myself the day before Father's Day (which is almost exactly one year prior to the release of the Major Motion Picture release of the movie based on his book about World War II, Baseball, and a field of broken dreams). Maybe we'll be able to get him to tell us who the big star is that the movie landed for one of the starring roles! Oh, and his publisher has authorized me to have a book giveaway that day. Two PPR listeners will win a personally autographed copy of Playing With The Enemy during that episode. Details on how to get in on this contest will be provided at a later date.

Are you prepared to learn the truth?

Tune in on Saturday, if you dare!


  1. The liberals have succeeded in dividing conservatives, and Isssssslam has succeeded in dividing America....o gosh say it isnt so my friend!

  2. "Knock on the front door because the back door's going to be closed." I loved that line. I adore Duncan Hunter. Now he's presidential material.

    Grwta line up can't wait to listen.

  3. Hi Doug,

    I really liked Tom Tancreto's comment after John McCain messed up in reference to getting information out of terrorist and Tom Tancreto said I am looking for a Jack Bauer at that time.

  4. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Hunter's my choice, but if someone like Rudy got the nod, my view on abortion and gays would become a non-issue because the protection of our nation from Islamofascism is more important right now, and because could you imagine if Hillary took office with that threat licking its chops ready for launching another attack? I shudder at the thought.
