Thursday, May 17, 2007

Democrats claim that the polls represent the will of the people!

Okay, I'll bite. If that's the case, then why is Congress' approval rating at 29% on the Gallup Poll (lower than Bush's!)?

Does that mean the will of the people is to get rid of the idiots in control of Congress?

By the way, Senate Democrats Failed to Cut Off War Funds.

And why is it that rape is totally acceptable in Islam?

And as a final note, Gary W. Moore (author of Playing With The Enemy) has been confirmed as a guest on Political Pistachio Radio on June 16, 2007 - along with a giveaway to two of my listeners of autographed copies of his book - and he will be accompanied on the show by his publisher who is of the same political stripe as Political Pistachio. Should prove to be a fun show.

Oh, and don't forget, this Saturday's guest is an Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran, Paul Couturier. Tune in live at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern to Blog Talk Radio for the show.


  1. Hi Douglas:

    Thank you for your faithful comments on Faultline USA. I have a proposal for you so contact me at faultlineusa(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  2. I noticed those approval rating numbers as well. I don't buy polls to much these days... but it looks like our Libtard congress is lower than the evil Bush Regime. Interesting.

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Sounds like a great show!

  4. Off Topic,

    Thank's for visiting my blog, you have so many I am hoping this is your main one. I wouldnt mind linking.

    This has got to be the most insane debate I have ever had on my blog.

    Thank's for your "Two Cent's" lol

  5. I agree, it does. And I want to thank you for your recent comments at my site. I always appreciate your respectful insight written in such a compassionate manner, and I appreciate your blog.

    Take care and I hope to catch the shows.

  6. Polls!! Clinton ran his presidency on it, that and trial balloons before a commitment on anything.

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I just wonder how long until Good Morning America hypes this stat up everyday, like they did the president's approval ratings. I won't hold my breath though.

  8. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Nice catch on Gary W. Moore.

  9. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Making some new rounds I see Gibbs.
    Hope everything is good with you and yours!
    Polls are an unscientific measure of peoples opinions, extrapolated into an expanded population from a certain number of people who were polled.
    I never believe in them.
    So, to use that as a basis for an argument as a representation of the will of the people is nonsense.
