Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hillary Clinton Proves She Worships Socialism - Take a Lesson from Venezuela, France, Germany, and failed Socialistic Societies, for God's Sake!

Children have a tendency of complaining all the time "That isn't fair!" The usual response from the parent is "Life isn't fair, my dear."

Socialism has asked the question many times, "What if we can make it fair."

Remember that old saying? "You may be able to make some of the people happy some of the time, but you'll never be able to make everybody happy all of the time."

The Liberal Left begs to differ. Proof?

Hillary's mouth.

Hillary has something she calls "income inequality," which is far from fair, as far as she is concerned. Her exact words are, "It's time to replace an 'on your own' society with a 'we're all in it together' society. I believe our government can once again work for all Americans. It can promote the great American tradition of opportunity for all and special privileges for none."

Special privileges? So instead you'd rather penalize folks for reaching the American Dream? This "on you own" society she refers to, in my book, is best called "self-reliance." I suppose she believes the Democrats are a bunch of Robin Hoods, and that it is their job to narrow the gap between the haves and the have-nots.

In other words, penalize those that worked their asses off to succeed; and pass on all of that pirate booty to those that lack vision and would rather subsist sitting on their butts and collecting government handouts. There is a name for such a system. It's called Socialism.

Then there's the Fairness Doctrine she likes so much, which in my opinion is a direct attempt to silence conservative talk radio.

Hey, Hillary! Check out what's going on in Venezuela!

A television station that has been critical of Hugo Chavez has been replaced by a Hugo-friendly state-funded channel (to obviously shut up the voice of dissent). The people began rioting over it, demanding freedom of speech and press. Hugo Chavez's answer? He targets a second TV station, and the riots have increased.

I am hoping for a coup.

Time will tell.

People, when they lose their liberty, will fight for it back - because the true "fairness" in life is the ability to be self-reliant. Socialism is a failed system. Just ask Europe.

sourceand second source regarding Venezuela.

And remember, Germany and France has recently elected Conservatives hoping to turn around their devastated socialistic economies - and past socialistic societies like the USSR have fallen, and Cuba's is seriously struggling. Socialism is a failed system. Competition, free commerce, and liberty is what people will always strive for.

By the Way, Paul Couturier (guest on Political Pistachio Radio a couple weeks ago) has his own show, and I called in. So does Jenn (and I called in on that one too!) Check 'em out!

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