Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Long ago, oh, about seven months ago, Jenn on My Point Radio chastised me (okay, maybe "chastised" is a harsh word, but you get the picture)for using the word "quagmire" in the first chapter of my book, "The Way of Deception". She cringed at the word, as if it belonged in a new category of profanity. What, I wondered, made her recoil as such from that word? At the time I figured it was that the word was a cliche to her, so I promptly followed her advice and struck that horrendous word from the book, and banished it from my vocabulary.

Over the course of the following seven months the word popped up regularly in conversation and on the evening news. Fascinatingly, it wasn't I that was uttering the now forsaken word, either. It was the Liberal Left. Every time I got into conversation with someone vehemently against the war in Iraq the word "quagmire" seemed to make its way into the conversation. Well, they would utter either "quagmire", or "catch-22".

For those that are not familiar with the term "catch-22" it was familiarized by writer Joseph Heller in his novel by the same name. Like "quagmire" the word basically means that in whatever direction you go to solve a situation, you are essentially screwed.

So, Jenn's aversion to "quagmire," I have finally realized, may have something to do with the Left's sudden love of using the word when referring to the battleground in Iraq.

But the true quagmire, in my opinion, is not the war in Iraq. Surely, if certain conditions were to take place, particularly in direct relation to the cells that are currently causing the violence that is now going on in that region, Victory would be attained sooner, rather than later. However, the true quagmire that currently exists is not one created and nurtured by George W. Bush in Iraq, as the members of the Liberal Left would have you believe, but one that they have created and nurtured themselves. This quagmire that the Liberal Left is using simply says that no matter what happens in the world, especially in reference to the War on Terror, that seems to be negative, is automatically Bush's fault, and anything positive that may occur is to remain simply unmentioned.

This liberally fed quagmire dictates that if ever there is another terrorist attack on America it is W's (and the conservative right's) fault for whatever happened. They will point out what they claim to be Bush's incompetence as a Commander in Chief, characterized by what they believe to be his reckless policies in Iraq. After all, in the liberal mind, terrorists would never dream of attacking us (again) if we had never gone into the Middle East with as much as a smirk on our faces. If we are attacked again they will also pull out of their hat "I thought the War in Iraq would keep them from attacking us, hmmmmm?" And if there's another attack involving airplanes, well they would accuse the Right of knowing about it ahead of time and claim that Bush did not do enough to avoid the attack. And if we are not attacked again, which I believe to be unlikely, then Bush wold be at fault for forcing Americans to lose Civil Liberties to guard us against an enemy that was never going to attack us in the first place.

And the Liberal Left will never let go of this quagmire, no matter what happens, because their campaign of blaming Bush for everything has worked so well in removing the possibility of any blame directed at them. The New York Times is off the hook for revealing sensitive government secrets, and CBS is off the hook for allowing Dan Rather to use falsified documents as evidence to propagate the liberal agenda against Bush. Heck, even the ACLU, in the minds of liberals, is off the hook for assisting the enemy, as well as is Cindy Sheehan (who suddenly decided she wants to be normal, LOL), Danny Glover and Michael Moore off the hook for consorting with the enemy. And Pelosi and Reid and all of the other far left Democrats are off the hook for attempting to undermine the United States Military and for their other treasonous activities. Why? Because everything is Bush's fault.

Heck, this blaming Bush for everything wrong propaganda campaign has worked so well that now they are using the same tactics when it comes to Global Warming. Whatever it is, if it pertains to weather or the planet, and if it's negative, it's the fault of Global Warming.

There is no argument you can use to convince them otherwise, and if you try to convince them otherwise, they will peg you as a narrow-minded heretic who has no compassion for the children, or our posterity.

In the end, the Liberal Left has decided that George W. Bush is worse than the terrorists, and that Al Gore is wiser than any scientist that disagrees with him.

Now that is what I call a "Quagmire."

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