Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm Called a Pig; Ahmadinejad speaks at Columbia University and the U.N. General Assembly; Communication Outage in Memphis grounds American Flights

Today, while arriving to pick up the Los Angeles Times newspaper (I only subscribe to the Press Enterprise, but every once in a while I pick up the LA Times too) a Muslim man in his full regalia took one glance at the hat I was wearing (which reads: FDNY, NYPD, 343, 23, We Salute Our Fallen Heroes, Ground Zero, 9-11-01) and the Political Pistachio Shirt (which has an American Flag in the logo) I was wearing, while in the parking lot, and called me a pig. He then walked away, only to step into his vehicle and drive away. Had I have turned and called him a pig, I would probably have been arrested for committing a hate crime. This comes a few days after someone handed my son a Koran at work and told him to read it, it would change his life for the good. In my opinion, that would be like someone handing my son a copy of "Mein Kampf" during the late 1930's or early 1940's.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad paid a visit to Columbia University in New York yesterday to speak. I used Yahoo and Google in a mad search to find articles about the speech, but couldn't find any in the top ten. Perhaps it was the search words I used. Perhaps it's a Vast Leftwing Conspiracy. When I saw a piece of video on television (KCAL 9 in Los Angeles) regarding the speech, the people listening were applauding him like he was Mother Teresa. I couldn't believe it. I wonder if they would have been applauding if Hitler had been invited to speak at an American University near Pearl Harbor after December 7th, 1941. Oh, wait, that generation wouldn't have been stupid enough to invite the enemy to further poison the minds of Americans in such a way, or even allow the enemy to step foot on our soil.

When I retrieved my morning newspapers, one of them, the Riverside Press Enterprise, accused Columbia University President Lee Bollinger of "set[ting] the combative tone in his introduction," and that Bollinger's introduction introduced Ahmadinejad as a "petty and cruel dictator" was an "introduction that upstage[d] Iran president [Ahmadinejad]." The Los Angeles Times, unlike the Press Enterprise, was willing to splash the top of the front page with a story about Ahmadinejad's visit to Columbia University. Their headline ran "Iranian leader receives rough reception in N.Y.", a surprisingly more objective headline. The article tried to keep to the facts, but incorporated a little bit of liberal bias. The New York Daily News had the most truthful headline I located, in my opinion, reading "The Evil Has Landed." The Liberals may call that Rightwing bias. I call it being honest.

Did you watch the beginning of the speech at Columbia? I watched a video of it today. After the introduction by Columbia University's President Lee Bollinger during which he called Ahmadinejad a cruel dictator, the Iranian President came off with the sweetest dog and pony act I've ever seen, and the people fell for it, cheering in response. The Sun Times had this to say: Un-forum-givable: Don't help propagandist.

Today, Ahmadinejad addressed the United Nations General Assembly about sanctions imposed against his government regarding its nuclear program. After watching Ahmadinejad address the United Nations, and his continual attack against the United States (while not actually naming America, it was obvious who he meant), I noticed that his rhetoric sounded exactly like the talking points of just about any liberal member of the Democratic Party (Reid, Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer to name a few). Then, Ahmadinejad proclaimed he wished to begin a movement for peace, as he prepares for war.

The Iranian President, during his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, also indicated he is offended by those nations showing through their actions that they are against Iran (once again meaning us and any of our allies), claiming we have badly mistreated his nation with unlawful activities fueled by unlawful wishes. Nations are inherently good, he said (Some members of Iranian society may be, but he sure isn't), and asked for the United States to leave the arrogance of Satan, and have compassion for others. Remember, this is the man that denies the existence of the Holocaust, and proclaims that Israel should be wiped off the face of the Earth, and that the United States is the Great Satan and that he can imagine a world without America.

Listening to Ahmadinejad in both speeches brought to mind Biblical text regarding Satan. Whoa, hold on, I am not trying to proselytize you, here. Whether or not you believe in Christianity or Satan is not the point, and I am in no way asking you to believe anything that I do, but I do wish to relay a point regarding biblical text regarding who most would call The Devil. Biblical text paints Satan out to be a counterfeiter that cannot be trusted. One who is evil, but disguises his evil with good intentions, and sweet and colorful packaging. He is the Prince of Lies, and the harbinger of war. He calls for peace and safety as he prepares for war. He promises closeness to God as he separates you from Him. He calls you to come together with all faiths and peoples so that you may be destroyed in one fell swoop. Ahmadinejad sounded a lot like the Biblical description of Satan.

Of course, at the end of his speech, the members of the United Nations General Assembly clapped and smiled.

And Ahmadinejad lied through the entire speech.

We want nukes, but we don't plan to use them. However, those imperialists won't let us. It's us against them. [part of what Ahmadinejad said in a nutshell] He also called for us all to believe in one God, monotheism, but don't believe that he means the same God that Jews and Christians believe in - Muslims believe in the moon god and then named it allah. Explains all the moons on Islamic Flags, don't it? So while you (the Liberal Atheists) proclaim that the Christian Right is trying to create a theocracy (which is, of course, false), how about you take your fangs out of Christians and turn your attention to the ideology that truly wishes to create a theocracy, and is willing to remove your head to accomplish it.

Other breaking news is that the Memphis Airport had a communication outage that grounded flights today for a 250 mile radius. Now, in response to those that say "Do you really believe that Islam can easily just destroy parts of the United States with attacks?" understand that just a small glitch in the communications system through Southern Bell grounded a great many flights. How much more would it take to shut down the entire Communications Network in the U.S., crippling us, and making us vulnerable?

Just a point to ponder.

Right Truth also wrote about Ahmadinejad's Propaganda Show at Columbia University

Oh, and don't forget to check out my latest favorite videos over at Political Pistachio Videos

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