Monday, September 24, 2007

Rewarding Illegal Behavior

In my recent interview with Brad Lord-Leutwyler he got upset when I stated that more than half of the people without health insurance in America are illegal aliens. He claimed that there are roughly 40 million people in this country without health insurance, and that there are 12 million illegal aliens in this country. I indicated that the number of 12 million is wrong. Last year, some estimates suggested the number of illegal aliens is actually 30 million. A large number of these aliens are Mexican, so the emphasis tends to be on the Mexican illegal immigrant.

Unfortunately, not all data and sources document the true danger of the Mexican immigrant. The dominant attitude in that particular group is rarely documented, and never spoken by the mainstream media. This attitude is that they are not only coming here to find work, but to take the American Southwest back for Mexico. And how do they plan to do this? By sheer numbers.

On September 22nd at Political Pistachio Videos I posted a video called Immigration Gumballs (thanks to Gawfer) that illustrates the problem of rapidly rising numbers in the illegal alien ranks. The threat is there. Aztlan is just a matter of a generation away.

As I speak out against illegal immigration, I have been careful to explain that it is not a racial issue. This is an issue regarding the law, enforcement of the law, and the fact that our government (both parties) seems intent to reward such illegal behavior.

I say that this is not a racial issue, yet that position is constantly challenged. I usually respond by saying that one piece of evidence that I am hardly racist against Mexicans is the fact that my wife is of Mexican heritage. I suppose that isn't absolute proof that I am not a racist. Perhaps there are those that have loved ones of a certain race, but still feels their race is superior because of their color. That's unfortunate.

I was recently misquoted, as I often am, by a liberal blogger named Tom, who seems to enjoy commenting here even after he has been asked not to. He wrote on August 20th of this year that I say it's not a "racial" issue BECAUSE my wife is of Mexican heritage, and then goes on to ask questions about her parent's legality, etc. For the record, her parents immigrated here legally when she was but a toddler, and my wife grew up with a resident alien ID card (green card). She believed the rhetoric that if she became an American she would lose her heritage and be turning her back on the Mexican people. She wasn't supposed to become one of THEM, she was supposed to only fight the White Man in America. In 2005 she decided the rhetoric was ridiculous, and that the illegal immigration problem needed more voters against amnesty, so she applied for citizenship, naturalizing under oath in April of this year. And to answer the question, I don't think it is a racial issue because my wife is Mexican. I don't think it is a racial issue because it is a legal issue and a national security issue. I don't care if you are Scottish, you better immigrate legally.

But what about Mexico? What do they think of all of their citizens abandoning their country to come to America?

The Mexican government encourages this illegal activity. But why encourage these people to do so in an illegal manner?

Illegal immigration is the fastest way to get people into this country from Mexico. Besides, under legal guidelines a large number of these people would be rejected because of health issues or past criminal activity. And of course they have no problem crossing in complete violation of the law. Crime is a way of life in that country, anymore. In the Sunday, September 23rd issue of the Press Enterprise newspaper in Southern California a story on the front page proclaims "Mexico's Crime Wave Explodes". In the Los Angeles Times on September 20th, the front page read, "A small guerrilla band is waging war in Mexico."

I am not saying that all of the illegals are members of Crime Families, or Revolutionary Guerrilla Bands. However, I am saying that considering the environment in Mexico the people have created, the willingness to break the law to obtain what they want is not as big of a taboo to them as it is to us. Facts are, 1 in 3 criminals in American Prisons are illegal aliens (as reported by Lou Dobbs of CNN), and the crime rate is higher in cities with larger illegal immigrant populations. Note, there are a lot of studies being done trying to disprove that notion.

Okay, so we've established that allowing illegal aliens into the United States, and rewarding them for their illegal behavior is not the best route to take. It puts a strain on our economy, it is unfair to the legal taxpayer, is bankrupting hospitals who are losing money because of providing care for uninsured illegal immigrants (or as the leftwing press would call them, undocumented immigrants - too afraid to tell the harsh truth, I guess), takes away jobs from Americans (and don't give me that "they do jobs that Americans won't do" crap, I am White and do one of those jobs for God's sake), puts American business owners at risk (remember Terry Funderburk?), and are over burdening already crumbling public assistance programs.

And that doesn't even begin to bring into the equation how many illegal aliens are not Latino, but instead are of Middle Eastern descent (10,000 of them), and are coming here with the intent of spreading the Islamic Jihad further into America. Thus, also making this a National Security Issue as well.

More on that aspect of it in a later post.

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