Thursday, February 07, 2008

McCain Wins Republican Nomination

Well, John McCain has not won it all, technically, but Mitt Romney has quit the race, and Huckabee does not have a realistic ability to beat John McCain. Mitt Romney has indicated that it was for the sake of the party, saying, "If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win…."

Mitt Romney may also be the guy to stand for conservative values in the future, now that he has stepped down before the real mudslinging began. Perhaps, after the next four years of Hell we are about to encounter, Mitt will be one of the guys to return to save the day. . . Perhaps.

So, for me, this is a sad day indeed. For those of you that normally read Political Pistachio, and my family of political sites, you know that I am not a big fan of McCain. He is far from conservative, despite the fact that he claims to be a foot soldier of the Reagan Revolution.

And why has this happened? Why has a liberal Republican pulled off the nomination?

Because Conservatives, unhappy with the choices, have stayed home, just like they did in 2006.

Romney suspends his run for the White House; Mike Huckabee has surged, but it is not enough.

Now, we will surely have a liberal in the White House. Now the question is, can Conservatives hold their noses long enough to vote for John McCain, hence voting against the far left anti-war Democrats, in order to continue the fight against the Islamic Jihad? Because, as Mitt Romney said in his speech today at CPAC, "We cannot retreat in the fight against Islamic Extremism."

Now the Congressional Races are more important than ever!

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