Friday, February 08, 2008

Should Conservatives Vote For McCain?

Super Tuesday pushed John McCain closer to the Republican nomination. As a result, Mitt Romney "suspended" his campaign, and John McCain took the opportunity to address Conservatives. He said that Conservative critics of him need to dial back the animosity and focus on issues where they agree.

He was, of course, addressing the conservative talk show pundits like Rush Limbaugh, who has been very critical of him; Ann Coulter, who has indicated she beleives Hillary Clinton is more conservative than McCain; Michael Savage, who has said McCain is not qualified to be president; and Glenn Beck who says John McCain can't govern and will give all of the illegal aliens amnesty:

Unfortunately, I have a feeling Glenn Beck, and all of the other conservative talk show hosts are mistaken when they say that McCain won't win. . .

Unless . . . he does not receive enough votes to win the nomination - - - Should Conservatives vote for McCain?

Not yet.

What happens if McCain does not gain enough delegates? The Convention is brokered. In other words, the voting there begins from scratch until someone gains enough delegates. Note that Mitt Romney "suspended" his campaign. This gives him the opportunity to jump right back in if the required number of delegates is not met by John McCain. So vote for Romney, or even the Huckster (not that I like him much either), and let's see if that Liberal named McCain can be stopped just yet. . .

By the way, back to what McCain said about focusing on issues where we agree? What issues?

In the war on terror he wishes to take away an interrogation tool, water boarding, which will place American lives in jeopardy because his nightmares of when he was a prisoner of war makes him skiddish when such methods are being used. He would also close Gitmo Bay and transfer those prisoners to our already over-crowded state-side prisons.

We have no agreements there.

McCain wishes to give 40 million illegal aliens amnesty, and echoes George W. Bush's Globalistic agenda.

We have no agreements there either.

McCain has called Pro-life leaders intolerant, has voted to limit private gun ownership, and voted against the Bush tax cuts in 2001 and 2003.

We have no agreements there as well.

That is not animosity. That is the absolute truth. Your record, Mr. McCain, is your proof of how you will run the country.

John McCain, if you want to change my mind, propose a bill in the Senate right now to convince me that you will run the country in a more conservative manner, and you "might" make me notice. Maybe.

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