Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Capitalism Is Not Granted By The Government

Capitalism is as natural to being human as is the desire to strive. When the first civilizations began to form, it was capitalism that arose in the free systems. Once the ruling system, however, begins to manipulate the economic system, it is no longer pure capitalism. It becomes something else.

Capitalism is a social system based on the principle of individual rights. Capitalism is the only moral political system because it is the only system dedicated to the protection of rights, which is a requirement for human survival and flourishing. This is the only proper role of a government. Capitalism should be defended vigorously on a moral basis, not an economic or utilitarian basis.

When government begins to seize, or confiscate, property rights and the spoils of success, the system is no longer one of capitalism. The system becomes government controlled, and the freedoms that go with it are diminished. Socialism attempts to present an element of "fairness" into the system, "Spreading the Wealth," one might say. But to exist, socialism must suppress capitalism. And to suppress capitalism is to suppress freedom, and individual rights.

To bring this about, those that desire Socialism must bring about a change to the fundamental system, using "hope" to package it in a way that the people will accept it. In this way, the purveyors of this new system will change the American social and economic order in a planned system, directed by a central government elite.

Government regulation is an essential element of socialism. A strong, central government must be brought into place that manages currency, controls output and prices, regulates industrial output, regulates wages (living wage?), steeply graduates income tax rates to control and stifle success, increases welfare-state benefits, and controls education so as to ensure the coming generation is taught to accept and depend on such a system.

Sound familiar?

Capitalism needs none of the above. In fact, government interference damages a capitalistic system. The controlling factor of Capitalism is the people who participate in it. If an element of the system becomes too controlling, or too pricey, the consumer stops purchasing from that element, and new competitors arise as a result. The free market is self-adjusting, self-regulating, and a true example of freedom.

Capitalism uses the natural human tendency to strive, to compete with the "Jones's," to become the cream of the crop. A natural by-product of Capitalism is failure. The individual, faced with such a failure, in a Capitalist System, then is tasked to try again (If at first you don't succeed, try, try again).

What Barack Obama is proposing economically is designed to stifle Capitalism, and to introduce Socialism into America in ways that even rivals the "hammer and sickle" New Deal that Franklin Delano Roosevelt fathered. Under a Barack Obama presidency, should he be elected, success will have a ceiling ($250 thousand? $200 thousand? $150 thousand?). As for his proposed tax cuts, does anybody really believe that a Democrat will lower taxes as they increase spending? Did Bill Clinton lower taxes as he said he would? Of course not. It isn't in a Democrat's nature to cut taxes (no matter how many times they promise it). To do so would relinquish some of government's control over the citizen, and that is hardly a tendency of Democrats.

The Democrats are upset that the word "Socialism" is being thrown around when describing the Obama campaign. They aren't truly upset because it isn't true - they are bothered by it because it exposes their true intent. That's why they don't like Joe the Plumber. He exposed Obama's hand with a simple question.

Spread the Wealth? Just another way of saying, "Confiscation of success, and a redistribution of such confiscated funds."

It is the Christian thing to do to help the needy and the poor voluntarily through charitable organizations that offer a "hand up." It is downright sinister to try to achieve the same results by forcing citizens to give up their freedoms and success so that it may be confiscated by the government and then distributed as the government sees fit. Such actions does not eliminate the classes, or make things fair. All it does is give more power to the ruling class.

Success is not granted by the government. That is something we achieve individually. Success is achieved by the individual in a capitalistic system, without government interference. Anything else is not capitalism, freedom, liberty, or the American Way.

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