Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama, from bad to worse

Barack Obama sort of reminds me of a good novel. The key to a good plot is conflict. A good story places a character into a severe conflict, and then it gets worse - and about the time you think it can't get any worse for the main character, it gets even worse.

Barack Obama is the most liberal Democrat out there, but he is proclaiming non-liberal tactics to gain the presidency. He is either not a good liberal, or a very good liar.

Have you ever seen a Democrat that cuts taxes?

Bill Clinton said he was going to cut taxes - turned out he was lying.

Obama says he is going to cut taxes for 95% of Americans (who make under $250,000 - errr, uhh, under $200,000, errr uhh, under $150,000 - jeez, they can't even get their numbers straight!), right after he lets the Bush Tax Cuts expire, which will raise taxes, and he is going to do all of this for 95% of Americans despite the fact that 32% don't even pay taxes, and all the while find a way to pay for his trillion dollar spending plan that dwarfs any other presidential plan in history by taxing to oblivion the remaining 5% of Americans.

If that doesn't confuse you, and convince you that he is a liar, then I don't know what will.

And like a good novel, if he gets elected, it will get much, much worse. . . And about the time you think he can't make it any worse for America, he will make it even worse!


Also watch Spread The Wealth: Reagan vs. Obama

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