Friday, January 23, 2009

Democrats Push Tax Cuts Through Congress (or: when is a duck not a duck)

If it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck, has webbed feet like a duck, and has a bill like a duck, it must be a duck. . . right?

President Obama's Stimulus Package, promising massive tax cuts, is being pushed through Congress despite heavy opposition by the Republicans.

Okay, let me get this straight. Democrats are desiring tax cuts, and Republicans are fighting against them? Am I in the Twilight Zone?

In all, Obama's Economic Measure costs $825 billion, which will no doubt grow to over a trillion buckaroos before it gets through Congress with this added, and that added, and pork galore at the buffet table.

$500 for workers, $1,000 for couples - refunded to you - even if you don't pay taxes.

Where I come from, that is not a tax cut. How can you cut the taxes of people that don't pay taxes? And if they are getting money back for taxes they didn't pay, then where is this money coming from? The wealthier Americans, of course. The plan is to soak the rich while handing out free money to the poor. Sounds more like an extension to Welfare, to me.

And if they hammer the rich and hand it out to everyone else, isn't that a redistribution of wealth? And that is supposed to create jobs? Last time I checked the folks receiving government checks each month with a dozen kids in a two bedroom house were not the ones creating jobs - it tends to be businesses that do that. You know, those enterprises that contribute to the Free Market owned by (uhem) wealthy folks?

Of course, the Democrats argue that the Republican proposals favor higher income individuals and couples who have benefited way too much from their tax cuts passed during the administration of President George W. Bush. We must stop them from making so much money, or at least keeping much of it, right? The American Dream must be punished - how dare those rick folks do so well - we'll teach them!

Yeah, paying over 90% of the overall taxes of this nation is way too unfair - let's soak them for 95% of the total taxes. That way, they are hit so hard by taxes they will lay off workers, cut production, and perhaps take their businesses out of the country to make up for the loss!

I hear moving businesses in South America, India, or China is lovely this time of year.

It is bad enough that entitlement program usage rises during economic downturns as it is, but now, it seems, the Obama Administration (and the happy, dancing, liberal Democrats) wish that everyone should wind up on these programs. Heck, soak the rich enough and even they may need food stamps too! Then the government can take over all of their wretched, American Dream building businesses, and wealth will no longer be determined by money, but by the size of the apartment the government assigns to you. Let's make everything fair by downsizing the wealthy and making them like everyone else - equally miserable!

Sound familiar? Can anyone say, The Soviet States of America?

They (The Libtarded Dems) call what is coming "Tax Breaks," but these so-called tax breaks are simply government checks being issued to people who will become even more dependent upon the government, and most of whom didn't pay what they are being refunded in the first place. And what is even more interesting, is suddenly deficit spending is a good thing, according to the Democrats. Talk about a duck not being a duck!

Weren't the Democrats the ones complaining about the National Debt over the last thirty years or so?

Yep, they accused Bush of being a big spender, and accused him of creating a bigger National Debt. But in the first 100 days of the Obama Presidency, BHO will prove to be a much bigger spender, and we will by then be deep into a recession that will worsen with each government program the Democrats pass.

And somehow, they will still blame it all on Bush.

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