Thursday, January 22, 2009

President Obama, Guantanamo Bay, Trials for Terrorists, and the Ultimate Shut Down

Under-Qualified President Obama made a campaign promise to have trials for the terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, for much of the glee to the Democrats, and shut down the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In addition to that, they have proclaimed that all torture will cease, for America must be an example and not torture anyone. We have a very large reputation as a good nation to keep up. And President Barack Hussein Obama, in his first official act as president of the United States of America, after the Democrats worked so hard to grant trials to the terrorists through our federal court system, signed an executive order to suspend all trials against those poor people being held at that horrible terrorist detention center on Cuba.

Suspend? I wonder how his Democratic friends are reacting to this.

Apparently, the Democrats plan to introduce these terrorists into the American federal court system, extend Constitutional protections to these folks that are non-citizens (therefore the Constitution does not apply to them), and eventually enable them to be free so that they can return to their terrorist ways and kill more innocent people, most probably Jews and Americans.

But Obama suspended this action.

Oh, and all you liberals out there screaming Geneva Convention, as usual, are wrong again. The Geneva Convention applies to combatants wearing uniforms, serving the cause of a nation, and complying with the so-called rules of war - none of which these terrorists captured on the battlefield in the act of committing terror fall under.

And your precious savior, Barack Hussein Obama, suspended the trials you worked so hard for.

And think of this: Where are we going to put these prisoners should Gitmo Bay be closed? In the general population with American prisoners near neighborhoods? At military bases where their function is to train men and women, not to detain prisoners?

Oh, and don't get me wrong, Obama has every intention to enable the trials to ensue in the future. His hope is to bring these terrorists into the federal court system, but for some reason he wants time to think upon it. Perhaps he plans a big speech with a slow teleprompter that will be filled with so much B.S. rhetoric that even the folks that didn't vote for him will be glad to allow the trials.

The trials, or course, would be extremely dangerous for us as a nation because not only would they be essentially changing the acts of war by these enemy combatants to simply a criminal actions (talk about Change you can believe in), but it opens the door for the enemy to "play court" with our captured American military personnel in kangaroo courts that will be, of course, determined to make a mockery of the Americans in the public view.

As for the "torture" question? The Democrats proclaim that we must stop the torture at Gitmo. . . what torture? These detainees are living better than they did in their God-forsaken countries with plenty of food, clean water, and a place to sleep. The so-called torture of Water Boarding was used on three hardened al-Qaeda terrorists, and the information received from them probably saved thousands of lives. . . and Water Boarding is a method that simulates drowning, but never puts the prisoner in any real danger. However, the Islamic Jihadists don't use methods that "simulate" cutting off limbs or heads - they really do it, and in the most gruesome way. If you, the liberal nutcase, desire to yell at someone for being ridiculously insane, join us in our fight against the Islamic Terrorists. Don't get all excited about freeing them to kill again by closing the facility in Cuba so that they can find a way to return to terrorism.

Closing Guantanamo Bay and granting trials for the terrorists, caught in the act of terror on the battlefield, is stupid, and dangerous. When these people wind up killing Americans again, the blood will be on Obama's (and the rest of the idiot Democrat's) hands.

And these kinds of actions also send a message to the enemy that our new President is weak and willing to bend over backwards to make the enemy happy - because that is how they think.

We suffered no terrorist attacks after 9/11 during Bush's Presidency. If we suffer one under Obama, it will speak volumes.

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