Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Extremist Opposition

Silencing The Opposition By Labeling Them Extremists is Nothing New, and an Apparent Play By The Left in their Search for the Retention of Power

When George W. Bush was president the Liberal Left media, urged on by the politicians of the Democratic Party, led a campaign of demonization against the GOP of which we have never seen in the history of this nation (though some may say they were remeniscient of the Anti-War Movement of the 60s and 70s). Anti-Bush and Anti-War rallies erupted, some at the Nation's Capital. The protests were stirred by anger of a war they erroneously believed was not legal, and the anger erupted into confrontational rallies, and acts of civil disobedience. Cars were overturned. Memorials desecrated. The locales of the protests were usually trashed, a mountain of garbage left behind in the wake of the rallies. One could call it job security for public employees tasked with keeping the cities of America clean. Others may deem it an example of lack of control portrayed by The Left, or at least an unwillingness to uphold standards they may not even recognize as existing.

America was founded on dissent against a tyrannical government, and a grass roots revolution designed to bring liberty to the colonies. Spirited debate is a staple of the American system of checks, balances, and freedom of speech. In America, we have the right to disagree with our leaders, and even the duty as a people to be in visible opposition to actions of the federal government should they restrict our freedoms, or should the government overstep its Constitutional limitations.

I defended the liberal's right to disagree with Bush. I never called for the government to silence them, or for folks to be arrested or fined for wearing shirts that read "Abort Bush," or Bumper Stickers that proclaimed "F**k Bush." My problem with their opposition to George W. Bush was not the fact that they were opposed to the president's policies. I, myself, opposed many of his policies, including the expansion of government, and the fact that Bush never met a spending bill he didn't like. I will defend the Left's right to disagree with governmental actions to my dying day. However, I strongly disagreed with the despicable actions portrayed by the opposition when they gathered at rallies, or other gatherings. Their portrayal of "hate" for The Right during the Bush years was disgusting, and a very unpatriotic way to carry themselves. They acted like people who didn't care about anything beyond their anti-Constitutional message. Their civility went out the window once the anger grabbed hold of them, and their profane actions took to the streets in ways that was embarrassing to Americans watching them act like that.

The people chaining themselves across the entrances of military recruiting offices, pissing on Memorials, and physically harassing anybody that disagreed with them ultimately achieved their goal. Barack Obama was elected President, and the Democrats now have full control of Congress. After decades of domination, with a short interruption in the 90s, the GOP has lost both the White House, and Congress. Their crime? Losing perspective, letting go of their principles, and standing for nothing. The Republican party leadership has become not much different than the donkey riding opposition. As the Republican Party has moved to the left, their appeal has waned, and "Hope and Change" was given an opportunity.

The American People voted for change by a narrow margin when the popular vote is considered, but they weren't sure what kind of change they were in for. Perhaps they were expecting a few government hand-outs, a troop withdrawal from Iraq, and maybe a move in the direction of green energy propositions. Nobody, except Conservatives, saw coming the swift actions of the Democrats to implement all of their wildest dreams, and literally begin to change the entire American form of government from a representative Republic to a socialist state eager to nationalize everything they can get their hands on. Barack Obama's drive for a more liberalistic government is the realization of a government willing to limit choice, restrict individual liberty, and do whatever it takes to silence the opposition.

Freedom is a choice, and when choice is taken away, freedom is lost.

Railing against the Democrat's attempt to limit choice and limit freedom, Conservatives are being met with an age old strategy used by those tyrannical governments in the past desperately attempting to maintain their power. Any opposition, dissenters, or those daring to have an opinion different than the liberal regime are being labeled as extremists, and the campaign to silence the opposition has taken a dangerous turn for the worse.

The Democrats, with their constant demonization of anyone who opposes them, have created the illusion that the American people are in despair. The Obama voters desired change from a seemingly collapsing economy, and the Pied Piper of Illinois promised to play his magical flute of "Change" and lead them to the promised land. The supporters of Obama see him as the wave of the future, when in reality he is leading America to an unsteady future of economic collapse and bondage.

Obama is not the first leader to rise to power as a nation experiences duress. He is not the first to use charisma to transform his followers into zealous devotees. His party is not the first to demand of the devoted followers to use any means, including force, to silence the opposition.

As Barack Obama pushes policies designed to undermine the Republic, and alter the United States into a socialist state, the realization that the power of the Democrats may come to an end if the opposition continues to voice an opinion that is heard by the populace is becoming apparent. The primary dissent is coming from Conservatives, and the Christian community. State sovereignty is being declared, which is not secession, but the understanding that the states have the right to autonomy from the federal government, except where powers to the federal government are enumerated by the U.S. Constitution (Specifically in Article I, Section 8). A return to the original intent of the founding fathers is being demanded, and the symbology of the American Revolution among those that disagree is rising to the surface as a result.

One of the symbols of the founders is the Boston Tea Party, where colonists threw English tea into Boston Harbor to protest the taxation and unfair intrusion upon colonial life by the strong, centralized, government of the English Monarchy. In the spirit of that day, Conservatives took to the streets on Tax Day, April 15th, and staged their own tea parties. Final count realized that over a million American's participated in this grass roots effort that was birthed on the Internet in the conservative blogosphere. As the word for the event got out, conservative talkers on terrestrial radio and television joined in, adding their weight to the events, and assisting in the attempt to get the word out. Another Tea Party event across America is planned, appropriate enough, for July 4th, Independence Day.

Those who oppose President Obama's policies have been labeled extremists, and potential domestic terrorists. Conservative talkers and bloggers were blamed for a shooting in Pennsylvania, and for past events in Oklahoma that have nothing to do with politics, or today's political environment. In Missouri a motorist was pulled over for daring to have a sign on his vehicle stating "Abort Obama," and in Louisiana a motorist was detained because of his bumper sticker reading "Don't Tread On Me." I suppose the motorist's portrayal of the Gadsen Flag, which is a historical flag, and carries a reference to our founding father's battle against the tyranny of England, was offensive to a few snakes somewhere.

A Tea Party Protester was visited by Joint Terrorism Task Force members of the FBI for daring to write letters to Presidents Bush and Obama during their terms to voice dissatisfaction. The letters to Bush garnered no response, but one of the letters to Obama deemed the person a danger to the government, and the FBI determined the citizen should be investigated as a potential domestic terrorist. Apparently, complaining about the Obama Administration's horrendous spending habit is more dangerous to Obama than the terrorists that are hell-bent on killing Americans at Guantanamo Bay, and deserves a much stronger response.

The attempt to silence the opposition of Obama is nothing new, of course. Within days after Obama won the election last November, during a Barack Obama Victory Rally, a man was arrested for daring to wear a McCain/Palin T-shirt at the "Yes We Can" celebration. The Philadelphia Police claims the individual was arrested for disorderly conduct and public drunkenness, but whether or not the charges were accurate was challenged by a video of the incident, which fails to support the Police Department's assertion. The rabid crowd, before the man was arrested, surrounded the McCain supporter, chanting "Oh-Bah-Mah! Oh-Bah-Mah!" while circling around him and closing in. I don't seem to remember any such treatment of the opposition at the Tea Parties. Do you?

Mainstream Media outlets are assisting the bloodless coup, calling any non-liberals that refuse to be "moderates" like Colin Powell "Extremists." One example of such a label is in the very first sentence of an editorial titled "The Land That Republicans Forgot" in The New York Times. The sentence reads: "Colin Powell, one of the few Republicans with enough fire in his belly to stand up to his party's extremists. . . "

Apparently, daring to disagree with the Left, and the left leaning leadership of the "moderate" GOP, is good enough reason to be called an extremist, which in a sense, is like calling Conservatives "enemies of the state."

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Man Detained for Displaying “Don’t Tread on Me” Bumper Sticker - Atlas Shrugs

Tea Party Protester Visited by Joint Terrorism Task Force of the FBI - Patriots For America

McCain T-shirt gets man cuffed, stuffed - World Net Daily

The Land Republicans Forgot - The New York Times

House Democrat Crafts Alternative on Probe of DHS 'Right-Wing' Report - Fox News

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