Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sotomayor Nominated for the United States Supreme Court

Twenty days ago I suggested that Sonia Sotomayor might be Obama's pick to replace retiring Justice Souter. The prediction was easy to make. Barack could care less about the integrity of the court, or whether or not a Supreme Court Justice is a Constitutional originalist. He doesn't believe the justices should interpret the law according to its original meaning, or that judges should not make law from the bench, as has been the habit of the Supreme Court. His concerns are more in line with making history (again), pandering to what he perceives to be under-represented groups, finding a judge that rules based on "understanding and identifying with people's hopes and struggles" (aka Empathy), and grabbing the most liberal judge he can put his hands on as an addition to the court. Sotomayor fills all of these requirements for him.

Justice is supposed to be blind, but Barry wanted a judge that would uphold the same Marxist ideals he holds close to his socialist heart. Obama was looking for empathy, rather than a judge that understands justice. He desired a judge that recognized the same abstract humanity that demands uniformity, rather than the free will of individuals.

In Sonia Sotomayor, Obama has a Hispanic woman who ruled on the Second Circuit Appeals Court panel that the Second Amendment is not a fundamental right, supports the killing of unborn children, and has a special fondness for seeing big government intrude on the lives of Americans - and she is willing to use the courts to ensure it happens, whether We The People like it, or not.

In other words, Sotomayor is the perfect militant left-wing Supreme Court Justice of Obama's Leninistic dreams. Adding her to pair up with Justice Ginsburg who has a fondness for international law, and believes the U.S. Constitution should be set aside so that America can run more in line with the bidding of other countries, and we have the most dangerous pair of women in American History.

Senator Jon Kyl, the Senate's second highest ranking Republican, made a statement over the weekend that if Obama chose a nominee that placed empathy over the letter of the law, and the U.S. Constitution, he was going to encourage a filibuster, and employ a procedural delay.

Whatever they do, it better be effective, or else we will have on the Supreme Court a very dangerous liberal activist, who places the liberal agenda way ahead of the U.S. Constitution.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Replacing Judge Souter - Political Pistachio, Douglas V. Gibbs

Sonia Sotomayor Nominated for Supreme Court - Net Right Nation, Ed Morrissey

Obama Picks Sotomayor For High Court - NPR/Associated Press, Nina Totenberg

Obama Hails Sotomayor as 'Inspiring' - The New York Times, Peter Baker and Jeff Zeleny

You Guessed It. Obama's Pick for Supreme Court Is Liberal Reconstructionist with a Chip on her Shoulder - Pro Life Blogs


Justice Ginsburg illustrates the problem of a liberal judiciary - Annuit Coeptis: Standing Guard Over Liberty, James Shott

Kyl Threatens Filibuster Over Court Pick - NewsMax

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