Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No Freedom Of Religion, Even At Home

Hold Bible Studies At Home, Be Fined
In San Diego County a pastor and his wife have been fined for holding Bible studies in their home. The couple was interrogated by a county official who asked them questions like: "Do you have a regular weekly meeting in your home? Do you sing? Do you say 'Amen'? Do you say 'Praise the Lord?'" As a result of their "yes" answers to the questions, they were advised they must stop holding "religious assemblies" in their home until obtaining a Major Use Permit from the county with studies involved that could cost upwards to tens of thousands of dollars. Escalating fines would be charged until they complied.

I am willing to bet the local Cub Scout Meetings, Wife Support Meetings, and all the other "assemblies" that go on in neighborhoods weren't targeted.

First, the secular humanists take prayer from school. Then they try to remove any religious expression from the public square. Then, with hate crimes legislation, inside the four walls of a church pastor's must be careful what to say. Now, we can't even hold Bible Studies in our homes?

Why should we have their religion of Secular Humanism forced upon us, and our religious rights taken away at the same time?

The California State Constitution specifically gives freedom of religion rights to citizens. Religious expression cannot be prohibited. This move by the county is illegal, and the Western Center for Law and Policy is on the case.

As the Left cracks down on Conservatives by labeling us "Extremists," and tries to take away our right to worship as Christians, we must stand up and declare our rights under the U.S. Constitution, and the State Constitutions.

Remember, the colonies were founded on the idea of religious freedom, and the founding fathers of this nation used Judeo-Christian values as the foundation of this great nation.

The 1st Amendment reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . .

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Home: No place for Bible study - World Net Daily, Drew Zahn

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