Thursday, May 17, 2012

United Nations: Give Native Americans Their Land

By Douglas V. Gibbs

This is nothing new, but now the demand is coming from the United Nations, which has no business butting its nose into our business, and an organization we need to take back our membership from. Anyway, an investigator from the United Nations has decided that the United States stole Indian Lands and must return some of the land back to Indian Tribes in the name of combating continuing and systemic racial discrimination. Those lands, by the way, even include Mount Rushmore.

After visiting Indian reservations, indigenous communities in Alaska and Hawaii, and Native Americans now living in cities, the U.N. investigator said he encountered people who suffered a history of dispossession of their lands and resources, the breakdown of their societies and "numerous instances of outright brutality, all grounded on racial discrimination".

Therefore, it is retribution time.

Along that line of thinking, Israel should be given a lot of lands, considering that her lands historically extended out to Iran and Iraq, down to the Suez, into Lebanon and Jordan. South Africa should go to complete African control. Bangladesh and Pakistan must go back to India and any Muslim's with ancestors from outside the area must go home. Australia must go back to the natives, too. All of the white folk need to return to Britain.

Of course that is all silly. But none of that will happen, because this is an anti-American push. Just like how the United States is expected to have open borders, while other countries of the world enforce their immigration laws with a very strict hand.

The worldwide left sees us as guilty. America is guilty. They want us to pay through the nose, they want us on our knees begging for forgiveness for all of the things they say we've done. Our freedom is unfair and unequal. We have too many rich people, too many happy people, too much freedom. They see these things as finite. If someone makes money at the top, they figure, somebody is getting screwed at the bottom. If somebody is happy, then there is somebody sad. If someone is free, then somebody is in slavery. The Indians paid dearly, they think. We went around killing them for their land, and now we have to give their land back to them.

The problem is, for the most part, the colonists in the English Colonies tried to make treaties, tried to work with the Indians. It was the Spanish that came as conquerors. Why isn't the U.N. demanding that Mexico, and Central America, and the South American countries give back their land?

It is not about fairness, or the Indians. This is simply an anti-American move.

America is the problem, according to the leftists. We are a guilty country.

According to these liberal left statist loons, by virtue of its character, America's entire history is filled with evil doings. The U.N. feels this way, and Obama feels this way. They don't like America as founded. They don't like our Constitution. These people are all radicals who have a chip on their shoulders about this country. This country's evil, unjust, immoral, and with Obama in the presidency, the leftists will be able to get even with it.

That is their formula for power. The United States stands in the way of global utopia. Damning America and attacking her heritage, and trying to force her to pay back all of the victims of her past evils is their formula for political and governmental power. It allows them to rationalize their seizure of power in the name of intervening against evil. And if you are intervening against evil, you have the right to do anything including shred the Constitution. When you're fighting evil, there are no rules. You can do whatever you must do. Control industries, attack your opposition, call for martial law, outlaw anyone who dares speak out against you, et cetera, et cetera.

They plan to do what they can through government, both through the liberals in Washington, and the leftists in global organizations like the U.N. They plan to use their power to intervene against their perceived evil tendencies of American life. They will use socialism to stamp out economic inequality, demand lands given back to the Indians and retribution to any other minority group as they see fit to fix structural racism. They will attack their opposition, claim The Right has launched a war against women to fight their imaginary battle of sexism. They will stop corporate greed by using fascist control mechanisms, reward with bail-out and stimulus money any preferred companies that play ball with them. Through their authoritarian rule they claim they will make this country fair again, moral again, and to get rid of this nation's basic evil.

The Democrats think they are redeeming a fallen nation. If they were truly in sync with America, they would work to lead America as a great nation - Like Reagan did.

That is why the liberal left hates the Tea Party. The Tea Party supports America as it was founded.  They support all of the things the liberal left hates. The Tea Party wants to support and defend the United States Constitution, but the liberal left sees the Tea Party as the embodiment of the old evil of America they are trying to destroy. In the minds of the liberal left, the Tea Party embodies all the racism, the sexism, the bigotry, the homophobia that is this nation. That's why they are the enemy. And the worldwide left hates the Tea Party too, and hates America as founded, which is why the U.N. is trying to dictate to the United States how to take care of its own business, including demanding giving land back to the Indians.

It is all communitarianism and collectivism on parade.  The leftists don't fully trust the fundamental decency of the American people as individuals.  Their view of America as indecent, immoral, and unjust is because some succeed in life, and some don't - and they aren't controlling it. The Left can't tolerate such independence and individuality. They see themselves as a ruling elite, and as such, they have to rule.

I refuse to be them. That makes me not enlightened, I suppose. I don't see flaws in this country. We made our mistakes, we recognized them, and we became a better nation through it. There is no need for retribution because despite our storms, we became a great nation, and the pursuit of happiness applies to all willing to grab hold of it, including Native Americans. We have been prosperous, we have been successful, and we have grown. Our nation at its founding was the beginning of something special, something exceptional, and all  we have to do to keep it is fight for it. The Constitution is only ink and paper if we don't fight for it, and our future is what we make of it, should we desire to fight for it.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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