Saturday, February 09, 2013

Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs - Coalition for a Secure Driver's License

Saturday at 2:05 pm Pacific on KCAA 1050 AM and, call in number 888-909-1050.

Illinois Will Accept Consular IDs for Driver's Licenses, Despite Concerns by Chiefs of Police
On January 8, 2013, the Illinois General Assembly passed legislation (SB 957) to establish a "lower tier" driver's license for individuals who assert that they cannot provide proof of lawful presence within the United States. It now awaits Governor Quinn's (D) signature. Despite the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police's testimony on January 7 that the bill is "unsafe," because it lacks "basic public safety and homeland security safeguards," and despite bi-partisan opposition, SB 957 passed the House by a vote of 65 - 46.

Coalition for a Secure Driver's License (CSDL) President Brian Zimmer said, "We concur with the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police. Given Illinois history and the state's stiff gun laws, this law should have included safeguards. For example, applicants for these lower tier licenses should provide fingerprints that can be compared by state police against prison and jail records. Illinois needs to guard against foreign criminals getting driver's licenses just so they can buy guns."

SB 957 is very similar to a Utah law, which provides a driving privilege card to people who similarly assert they cannot provide proof of lawful presence. However, Illinois's "temporary visitor's driver's license" application process will lack very important requirements contained in that Utah law.

There are several important differences between the Utah and Illinois driver's license laws. Utah requires each applicant for its driving privilege card to present a passport or a foreign birth certificate. Illinois's new law allows an applicant to present either a passport OR a consular ID card. This is a vital distinction. Passports are subject to internationally set standards for proof of identification under United Nation's agreements. Consular IDs have no standards for issuance or for card security. Consular ID cards are not reliable proofs of identity or nationality, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation has testified before Congress.

Our guest, Andrew Meehan of the Coalition for a Secure Driver's License, will discuss this issue with us today on Constitution Radio.

Then we will discuss the Book of the Week, and ask the Constitution Quest Question of the Week.

During the final segment I will be joined by JASmius of Hard Starboard Radio to discuss the. . . 

5, uh, I mean, 10 Big Stories of the Week, February 9, 2013 - OY! ERR! UH, okay, fine, there’s 11 of them.

Honorable Mention: Ray Lewis and the Baltimore Ravens win the Super Bowl

No Link

10.  U.N. Report Shows Global Warming Natural Cycle caused by Solar Activity

9.  Ronald Reagan’s 102nd Birthday, February 6

8.  Senate plan to give Janet Napolitano final say on Border Security and Amnesty

7.  Will Gays Lead Boy Scouts?

6.  American Sniper author, former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle gunned down at shooting range

5.  Snow Blankets Northeast

------- Killer Storm! Kills One, Kills Power - before mop up from Sandy is done!

4.  Ohio Governor Kasich Surrenders to Obamacare. . . Resistance to Big Government is Futile

3.  Obamacare’s Cheapest Plan will be $20,000 per year, Seven Million will lose health care coverage

2.  Federal Government Defends Killing Americans with Drones, Avoids Questions on the Matter - Due Process? Constitution? We don’t need no stinkin’ rule of law!

1.  Chris Dorner, Cop Killer in Los Angeles, still on the loose

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