Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Obamacare raises cost of insurance, will cause people to lose their insurance, by design

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Affordable Health Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, was sold to the American People by President Barack Obama as being an opportunity to get millions of people that are uninsured the health care they need, and touted by the democrats as being "free" healthcare for those who so desperately need it.  When opposition to the plan claimed Obama's plan was the first step toward nationalized health care, the liberals stated that their plan was not socialist in any way, and that the governmental health care option would be a competitor with private insurance that would reduce health care costs, and reduce the federal deficit.  Without it, we were told, health care costs in America would continue to sky rocket, and the average family would be faced with bankruptcy if they incurred any major health care expenses.

Time and time again I have stated here on Political Pistachio that Obama's health care legislation is designed to lead us to a socialist-style health care system where the government becomes the single-payer, and the private sector insurance industry is destroyed.

The Internal Revenue Service has released a regulation showing that under Obamacare, the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year, and since the liberal's health care law requires Americans to purchase health insurance, or pay a penalty, Americans will be forced to pay the significantly lower fine, which for an average family will be less than $3,000.

Americans paying the fine to escape out-of-control insurance costs will ultimately place the insurance companies at a disadvantage, and eventually force them out of business as the cost to do business soars, and the number of their subscribers dwindles.  After the dust settles, all that will remain is a governmental system, and regardless of your thoughts on nationalized health care, it will be too expensive to exist without insurance, and the governmental single-payer system will be all that remains.  Americans will then become dependent upon it, and any politician daring to threaten dismantling the system will never win an election.

Pretty sneaky, huh?

So let's get this straight. The Obama administration, in order to make sure everyone has insurance, is going to mandate you have insurance, whether you like it or not.  Under their guidance, the cost of health insurance will go up, you won't be able to afford it, and so you will have to go without insurance to survive.  But, since insurance has been mandated, you will be penalized for not having insurance a few thousand dollars that you don't have to cough up.  As the free market part of insurance dies, forcing everyone into government health care (once again whether you like it or not), an estimated 7 million people will lose their job-based insurance coverage according to the Congressional Budget Office.

The CBO said that this year's tax cuts have changed the incentives for businesses and made it less attractive to pay for insurance, meaning fewer will decide to do so. Instead, they'll choose to pay a penalty to the government, totaling $13 billion in higher fees over the next decade.

Then, while everyone is crying, Obama will come to the rescue, say they have free insurance for all (as they tax you to the poor house), opening up the opportunity for the government to dictate your lives even more.  After all, if they are going to be paying for your health care, they will determine they can decide how you must run your life in the name of keeping down health care costs.

If you think Bloomberg's New York limits on the size of your soda, what you can and can't eat, and trying to force all women to breast feed is bizarre enough, just wait until all of that begins to happen on a national level.  The federal government will dictate to you, under Obamacare, what you can eat, if you can smoke, how much alcohol you can drink, what activities you may participate in, how much exercise you will engage in, and et cetera.

Oh, and if you will remember, back when Obama was debating against the opposition about how wonderful his government health care was, he said individuals would be able to keep their plans.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Obamacare's Totalitarian Nature - Political Pistachio

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