Friday, July 13, 2012

Doctors Running for the Hills from Obamacare

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Obama in 2009 told us that under Obamacare, if you like your insurance, you could keep it, and if you like your doctor, you wouldn't have to change a thing. Conservatives like myself at that time indicated that was a load of crap. The goal by these people is full throttle single payer socialized medicine, and Obamacare is being created just as a step in that direction. The Affordable Care law is designed to destroy the private industry so that Americans have no choice but to join a federally controlled system.

Among other things, one of the bits of reality now rising is that doctors see the writing on the wall, see how this law will destroy their practices, and they are refusing to be a part of it.

The headline at the Daily Caller - Report: 83 Percent of Doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare.

Think about that, for a moment. 83%. You wanna talk about crowded hospital rooms, waiting in line for care, etc. That is what government control does. It kills the incentive of the free market. It kills innovation. It kills entire systems.

This is just the beginning of the fallout from Obamacare. If this insidious law becomes fully implemented, it will completely destroy our economic system, health care system, and give the government control over your every move. That is why the 26 States that sued the federal government over this law, and pushed their lawsuit to the Supreme Court, need to quit wasting taxpayer dollars with the courts, and just refuse to implement it through nullification.

All that comes with Obamacare for us is a big price to pay.

I hardly call that "free" health care.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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