Thursday, March 21, 2013

Boy's Gun in New Jersey Brings Welfare Worker Visit

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The political establishment of the liberal left, save for a few gun-toting democrats, fear guns, see them as a symbol of violence, and consider giving a child a gun akin to giving that child arsenic.  We have seen busy-body leftists freak out over a piece of pizza chewed into the shape of a gun, a total freak out over a child wearing a shirt with the image of a gun on it, and cupcakes rejected by a school because it was decorated with toy army men.

Now, in New Jersey, a boy's gift for his 11th birthday was a brand new .22 caliber rifle, and after an image of the boy with the gun was posted by dad on Facebook, child welfare case workers showed up on their doorstep, asking to see the guns.

Someone, another liberal left busy body who wants the government to dictate to people what they can and can't do, called anonymously to New Jersey's child abuse hotline.

That's right.  The person considered the boy getting a gun for his birthday to be a form of child abuse.

I went shooting when I was that age.

I remember a friend telling a story about how back in the early sixties, when he was a kid, riding his bike through Redondo Beach, California with his .22 rifle up on his handlebars.  A police car spotted him, and pulled up, asking, "Hey, young man, where are you headed with that rifle?"

He replied, "Going up to the row of eucalyptus trees to practice shooting."

The cop replied, "Well, there's some construction going on up there, so be careful."

"Yes, Sir."

My, my, my, how things have changed. 

New Jersey’s Department of Children and Families declined to comment specifically on the case but says it often follows up on tips. Everybody is pretty jumpy with the school shootings, and all.

New Jersey already has among the nation’s strictest gun laws and is considering strengthening them.

The gun was given to the child for when the family goes on hunting trips.  The father called his lawyer, who specializes in Second Amendment cases, and had him on speakerphone.

“They said they wanted to see into my safe and see if my guns were registered. I said no; in New Jersey, your guns don’t have to be registered with the state; it’s voluntary. I knew once I opened that safe, there was no going back.”

This all happened while the lawyer listened in on the phone.  After asked for a warrant, the visitors from the government said they had no warrant.  When they said they had no warrant, he asked them to leave.

They departed, and there has been no incident since.

“I don’t like what happened,” he said. “You’re not even safe in your own house. If they can just show up at any time and make you open safes and go through your house, that’s not freedom; it’s like tyranny.”

The police accompanied the child welfare workers, something that only happens if the caseworkers feel their safety could be compromised.  Since guns were involved, the caseworkers assumed the gun owners were crazy enough to shoot them, I guess.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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