Thursday, March 21, 2013

Obama: We have no debt Problem - Voters in Fox Poll Says Otherwise

Fox News Poll: Voters say debt is immediate problem, nervous about economy

American voters are nervous about the economy and -- unlike some leaders in Washington -- they think the country’s growing debt needs to be dealt with now.

That’s according to a Fox News poll released Wednesday.

About two-thirds of voters are feeling nervous about the economy -- more than twice the number that feels confident. And not just Republicans are nervous (although most are). Independents are three and a half times more likely to feel nervous than confident. Democrats are a bit more likely to feel confident.

The good news: the 65 percent who say they are nervous is down from 70 percent who felt that way in 2010.

Both President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner recently said the country doesn’t have an immediate debt problem. Nearly 7 voters in 10 say they are wrong. Conversely, 27 percent agree the debt can be handled several years down the road.

Voters are similarly at odds with Washington on the budget deficit. Almost all think the federal government should be required to balance its budget (85 percent) and believe reducing the budget deficit is a worthy goal “in and of itself” (85 percent).

Read more at Fox News

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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