Friday, March 08, 2013

Rand Paul's Filibuster Appreciated by Liberals and Conservatives Alike

By Douglas V. Gibbs

For quite a long time it has seemed like the only ones with a brass pair in Washington has been Obama, and his hard-left liberal democrat party minions.

Enter, stage-right, Rand Paul.

The son of Ron Paul, the elder a champion of libertarianism and a self-proclaimed constitutionalist, Rand Paul does not always see eye-to-eye with his dad.  Rand seems to come across more conservative, than libertarian.  He does, however, vote in a manner more in line to the Constitution than his dad.  I could really care less about all of the ideological labels, as long as Rand recognizes the importance of the law of the land, also known as the United States Constitution.

Rand Paul's voting record as a freshman United States Senator has largely reflected his adherence to the principles of the Constitution.  His words have reflected the same.

Actions speak louder than words, we are told, and Rand Paul's actions on the floor of the Senate just sent the value of his stock as a representative of the people, and a person that believes in the rule of law (the law being the Constitution) skyward.

The timing?  The Brennan confirmation hearing.  The reason?  Drones.

Eric Holder said that he is perfectly happy having drones in the air domestically, and this after the administration claimed they had no problem killing Americans abroad if they were considered terrorists.  No due process, mind you.  The Obama administration believes it can be the judge, jury and executioner itself, regardless of any constitutional provision regarding the right for all Americans to be afforded due process.  They are good with killing Americans where they stand for simply being defined as their enemy.  Though Holder never actually said he would be good with drones killing Americans on American soil, he has stated he believes that such an action would be legal for the government to embark in.  As we have seen with this administration before, they start small, and then work towards their goals incrementally.

The goal of this Obama administration is to eventually confiscate all firearms from the populace, and be able to use the drones to kill their opposition.  Leaving us unarmed, and afraid, is the perfect way to rule over the people without retaliation.

Obama already has a kill list.  He has an enemies list.  All good authoritarians do.  And the media has told us about these lists, and that Obama has personally chosen the targets on his drone kill list.  Of course they did this to make up for the fact that Obama has always been seen as weak on the national security and foreign policy front, but it sends an ominous message to Americans that dares speak out against his policies.

Brennan, the guy nominated for CIA chief, is in line with Obama when it comes to drones.  He wants to fly drones over American soil looking for the enemy.  And their definition of the enemy may not necessarily be exactly what yours is.  Anyone seen as being anti-government (by their definition) is seen as the enemy to these people.

Rand Paul, on the Senate floor, started talking, and did so for nearly 13 hours, which is the longest his personal waste disposal system could last.  He filibustered against Brennan, and the drones.  He took action to stop the madness, stood on his principles, and if a port-a-potty had been brought in, he might have lasted another 13 hours.

He filibustered the nomination of John Brennan to be the CIA director because the Obama regime is making it clear that they have no problem with drones flying over America.  They have no problem with flying these machines over your homes.  Remember, these are the same drones used to kill American citizens overseas.

Rand Paul is tired.  He's tired of the Obama administration shredding the Constitution.

During the filibuster, Rand Paul said, "I will speak until I can no longer speak. I will speak as long as it takes until the alarm is sounded from coast to coast that our Constitution is important, that your rights to trial by a jury are precious, that no American should be killed by a drone on American soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found to be guilty by a court. I will speak today until the president responds and says, 'No, we won't kill Americans in cafes. No, we won't kill you at home in your bed at night.'"

He continued, "I'm not standing down there as a Republican who will never vote for a Democrat. I voted for the first two -- I voted for the first three nominees by the president. This is not about partisanship. I have allowed the president to pick his political appointees but I will not sit quietly and let him shred the Constitution. I cannot sit at my desk quietly and let the president say that he will kill Americans on American soil who aren't actively attacking our country. The answer should be so easy. I can't imagine that he will not expressly come forward and say, 'No, I will not kill Americans on American soil.'"

The President is redistributing wealth, raising taxes on the rich (and in reality on everybody), nationalizing our health system, and attacking our free market system.  Anyone that dares stand against that, with the cheer section of the 47% behind him, will be gunned down by the drones for the good of the community.  Sounds crazy, right now, but I would not put this administration past such madness.

Eric Holder said that a drone strike on American soil, on an American, in the United States, could be, "necessary and appropriate under the Constitution." That's what got Rand Paul ready to filibuster.

And in response, even a few democrats are beginning to cheer on support for Rand Paul's actions.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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