Friday, March 08, 2013

Sequester Scare Tactics Falling Short

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The 2014 Mid-Term Campaign is in full swing, and the Democrats are playing the same game they always do, personal destruction. . . but this time it is not Sarah Palin, or Michele Bachmann, or Mitt Romney they are trying to convince America to be deathly afraid of - this time it is an entire political party, The Republicans.  Don't get me wrong, I am not in love with the GOP. They are guilty of a number of things, as well.  But of the two primary parties, at least the Republican Party has a handful of members, and a platform (of which the establishment refuses to follow), that isn't completely insane.

The Democrat Party has gone over the edge of the abyss, are working to consolidate power at the executive level, and annihilate any opposition.

The Sequester that just went into effect was created by Barack Obama.  He argued in 2011 that if Congress failed to cut spending, the sequester must go into place anyway, and he refused to veto any attempt to stop the sequester.  Now, he claims the sequester will be the harbinger of America's economic collapse.  In his attempt to convince everyone that the government is our savior, and that any problem that pops up is the result of conservativism trying to limit government, and cut spending, he has unleashed an argument of doom and destruction should the sequester last much longer.

Nearly a week of sequester, and there has been no devastating effects, by the way.

To cover up the fact that nothing major is being caused by the sequester, as Obama, and his minions, have proclaimed, the politicians in Washington are actually taking action to create devastation, to make Americans suffer, to prove to everyone the sequester is as dangerous as he has been proclaiming.  From an illegal alien prisoner release, a false claim about problems at the airport by Napolitano, and shutting down White House tours, the democrats are trying to make the sequester look devastating (when it hasn't been) and are trying to pin the blame on the Republicans.

Never mind that the sequester doesn't even have a single spending cut in it.  There are no cuts, the sequester is simply a reduction in the future growth of spending.

Remember, our federal government has been functioning on zero based budgeting.  For example, if a department received $7 million in 2012, in order to get that $7 million again in 2013, along with a built in annual increase, they must spend all of the money afforded to the department.  So, near the end, they spend the money on anything they can get their hands on, including (but no limited to) new equipment even though none is necessary, or ridiculous programs or studies that the federal government has no business spending money on in the first place.

The picture we are being presented is that the sequester will devastate these departments, and force them to make cuts in places where it will hurt the American People.  In reality, the sequester simply reduces some of the built in annual increases over the next ten years.

And at the end of the year these departments will still spend on ridiculous things.

Obama and gang claim the sequester will cut essential services, slow down the airports, and take away border patrol agents from important posts (none of which have happened, so far), but they are unwilling to touch spending like hydrating Chinese prostitutes, studying why gay men in Argentina are more sexually active when drunk, and teaching South African men to wash their genitals after sex.

You can fool the 47% most of the time, but the rest of America can't possibly be that stupid. . .

And it turns out that Obama's plan to nail his opposition over the sequestration with trumped-up devastation at the federal level due to these, as they consider them, horrid spending cuts, which aren't spending cuts, is back-firing on the democrats.

Congressman Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, on his Facebook page, left this wonderful gem to show us how badly Obama's campaign to stick it to his opposition regarding sequestration is going:

Congressman Jeff Duncan

What is the media saying about President Obama's cross country campaign against spending cuts?

BILL KELLER, New York Times: “The White House spent last week in full campaign hysteria, blitzing online followers with the message that heartless Republicans are prepared to transform America into ‘Les Misérables’…” (Bill Keller, “Obama’s Fault,” The New York Times, 3/3/13)

GLENN KESSLER, Washington Post: “…there is no reason to hype the statistics — or to make scary pronouncements on pink slips being issued based on misinformation.” The Washington Post, 2/27/13)

JOE SCARBOROUGH: ‘Mr. Obama seems to be the one who has overplayed his hand’ Joe Scarborough,The New York Times, 3/1/13)

BEN SMITH, BuzzFeed: “…they’re trying - the White House in particular - is trying to get people scared.” (MSNBC’s “The Daily Rundown,” 3/4/13)

THE NATIONAL JOURNAL: “The White House's strategy to exaggerate the immediate impact of the cuts has backfired…” The National Journal, 2/28/13)

STEVE HUNTLEY, Chicago Sun-Times: “Obama Caught Crying Wolf” Chicago Sun-Times, 3/1/13)

MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: White House ‘claims went from alarming to flat-out inaccurate.’ (MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” 3/4/13)

POLITICO: “For all the hype, spin and blame exchanged over the across-the-board cuts, the reality is they don't mean the sudden economic collapse of America.” Politico 3/1/13)

CHRIS JANSING, MSNBC: “[Republicans] think, frankly, the president overplayed his hand when he laid out sequester scenarios, especially, for example, what’s getting a lot of play over the weekend and today, this claim that Capitol Hill janitors will have to take a pay cut, which the Washington Post says is not true. (MSNBC’s “Jansing & Co.,” 3/4/13)

DAVID GREGORY, NBC: “So did the president exaggerate the case to try to win enough political pressure on Republicans that he didn't get it in?” (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” 3/3/13)

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC News: “So how do you respond to critics who say the administration is engaging in scare tactics?” (ABC’s “This Week,” 3/3/13)

Wow, when you even have your tongue wagging, and usually obedient, media beginning to question you, something has got to be going wrong.  I will even venture to say that I think the Obama administration is in a panic.  They are going to launch even more attacks to make up for this, and it will get more ridiculous with each wave.

The question is, will Obama, like Hugo Chavez did, in response to all of this opposition, make a hard-line dive into tyranny?

O'Barry is feeling cornered on this one, and we know what cornered animals are capable of.

Fight or flight, and Obama's fight will bring with it the power of authoritarianism.  As Obama considers killing Americans with drones, and killing our economy and hope as Americans with his policies, we need to be fighting for our foundational constitutional principles.  We need to expect our leaders to do the same.  We need to demand they fight with us.

The question is, will the republicans follow Rand Paul's lead?  Or the lead of the old guard republican establishment that attended the breakfast with Obama instead of supporting their constituents?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Flashback: Obama promises to veto stopgap alternative to sequester cuts - You Tube

Brewer: Release of Hundreds of Illegals Ahead of Cuts 'Height of Absurdity' - Newsmax

Airports contradict Janet Napolitano's sequester claim - Telegraph

Cancelling white House Tours Saves Less than Cost of One of Obama's Vacations - National Review Online

Obama Cancels White House Tours, Blames Sequester - Examiner

30 Stupid Things The Government Is Spending Money On - End of the American Dream

Rand Paul filibusters Brennan nomination for CIA director - Washington Times

Mark Levin: Obama Not Destroying GOP, Republican Establishment Is - Conservative Blogs Central

While the Old Bulls Went Out to Dinner, the New Kids in Town Threw a Filibuster Party - Rush Limbaugh

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