Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Catholic Pope Sex Priest Thing

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I am not Catholic, and as this choosing of the pope thing is materializing I am keeping an eye on it, but I am not necessarily enthralled by it.  I am curious, however, what the new pope will do with the struggles of the Catholic Church.  I am hearing about the possibility of the church liberalizing a little, letting priests marry, and all that.  Perhaps they have come to realize that, as the churches that led the reformation understood, if it isn't biblical it probably isn't good for the church.

Catholicism ranks traditions right up there with what is biblical.  But, what did they think was going to happen when they put a bunch of men, naked under their robes, in a position of power, and then denied them any outlet for the natural urges of our frail human flesh?

But, the other thought is if their traditions are considered biblical, isn't it a fouled up message to be saying that all along they felt it was God's commandment for those that dedicate their lives to the ministry to be celibate so that their focus can be completely their ministry, and then bring in a new pope that says, "Oops, we were wrong, okay priests, now you can marry"?  What message does that send?  If you can be wrong on that, how many other things are you wrong on?

That is why Christians like myself, who dare not follow any religion, but adhere to the fundamental teachings of the Holy Bible, shake our heads.  The mistakes of the Catholic Church that has now blown up in the religion's face hurts all Christians, because the secular world doesn't see any distinction between the doctrine of Catholicism, or any other Christian religion.  All Christians are lumped into one vat, and stirred together.

I laughed yesterday when a friend joked with me, "I thought I was hopeless, but it turns out I was just popeless."

As a constitutionalist, I simply have trouble understanding why a religion would allow itself to have such a system of hierarchy in the first place.  If big government, with strong centralized control, is bad for a nation, why would it be any good for religion?

Just an observation from the outside.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Beautifully put, Doug. I have also had a pobem with the "pope-hood" within Catholisism, and being lumped in to how catholics perceive the Bible and how atheists perceive christians in general. Norm Bryant
