Monday, April 29, 2013

If the GOP Continues to Cave, It Will Cease To Exist As A Party Any Different From the Democrat Party

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The political narrative by the media, and the so-called political experts, has been that if the Republican Party wants to win over voters, and begin winning elections, they need to moderate more than they already have.  They believe they need to appeal to the various groups by caving in on their position regarding illegal immigration, by reversing their position regarding the gay agenda, backing off on abortion and other imagined facets of the "War on Women," and begin working with the democrats on issues like the debt limit, government spending, and taxes.  In other words, to get the voters that don't like them, people that have been voting democrat, and to get them to not completely hate the GOP, the democrats are telling the republicans to turn their back on their base, to walk away from the TEA Party folks, and the Christians, and to appeal to voters that will probably never vote for them in the first place.  In other words, turn your back on your principles, and lose the people that vote for you.  You won't win any elections, but at least the leftists won't hate you anymore - even though they will continue to hate the Republicans.

The astonishing part of all of that is that the Republican Establishment actually believes that bull crap, and they are moderating more and more.

For some of the republicans, it comes naturally, because many of them are actually as liberal as their democrat counterparts.  They crave the political power, and they are convinced that to hold on to that political power they must play the game of the Washington cesspool.

When the TEA Party conservatives took office after the landslide 2010 election, the establishment went to work on them.  Play the game, do what the party says, or never get re-elected.  Some of the freshmen caved, and followed the lead of the party, but others stuck to their principles.  Those are the ones that became the enemy, singled out by the professional politicians, and in the case of Allen West, he was pushed out by a GOP-led redistricting that changed the voter demographic to the left, making reelection for West an uphill battle, and one that he ultimately lost.

As the budget battles continue, and the democrats work to continue to demonize much needed spending cuts with their false accusations that the sequester is shutting things down, the call for the GOP to cave on the debt limit debate is reaching a crescendo.  The final day to raising the debt limit, I suppose you could call it yet another judgment day, is May 19, 2013.  The date for that showdown is on the horizon, and we are falsely being told that if the republicans don't cave, and allow the federal government to once again increase its spending, we will face a government shutdown - and as the leftists prepare the public to believe that spending cuts are devastating with political theater produced by the sequester, the public is ripe and ready to believe the propaganda.

If the republicans continue to cave on economics, no good will come from it.  Just like the response to Bush 41's betrayal of his "No New Taxes" pledge, the conservatives will continue to abandon the GOP.  Principled conservatives do not want compromise because there is nothing to compromise on.  The liberal policies being offered by the democrats are wrong, Marxist in nature, and are killing our economy, across the board.

In the 2010 mid-term election the nation showed us what the sleeping giant wanted.  But if the GOP caves, the TEA Party, the conservatives, the liberatarians, and all other U.S. Constitution supporting groups, will bail on the republicans.

What is worse is that the republicans have no real reason to cave.  Most Americans want the progressive democrats out of Washington.  President Obama has nothing positive to hang his hat on.  He is powerless when conservatives face off against him.  But the conservative voters want more than to vote against Obama and the democrats.  They are looking for leadership, principles, and republicans that will stand their ground.

The republicans have not been caving because of pressure from the democrats, but from the pressure of the moderates and leftists within their own party.  The GOP Establishment hates the TEA Party, and are convinced that if they don't compromise with the liberal democrats, it will somehow politically hurt the party

If the Republican Party continues to cave in to the attacks by the liberal left democrats, the conservatives will complete their exodus from the party.  If Boehner compromises with a raise in the debt ceiling, and caves to more tax hikes, the TEA Party, and all conservatives alike, will be done with the Grand Ol' Party.

The GOP Establishment is a part of the Washington cesspool.  Spending money is what they do.  They keep spending what isn't there, and then search for new ways to wrestle money out of our hands.  Be it a new mining tax (a Nevada State Legislature push), Internet tax, going after retirement accounts, or raising the debt limit, the big spenders at both the State level and the federal level are looking for new ways to take your money from you.

The liberals in both parties consider any opposition to be right-wing extremists.  It's a language game they play to turn people against sanity.  We can't afford to compromise because we have nothing in common with the statist goals of the liberal left.  The problem is, like libertarians have been claiming for some time, we are rapidly approaching the point where there will be absolutely no difference between the parties.

Action is needed, and it is needed now.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Assembly GOP Renews Opposition to Mining Tax - Yahoo! News

California Congressman Who Loves Cop Killers Calls American Patriots Extremists - Independent Film News and Media

AFP's Phillips: Internet Tax Plan's a Nightmare - NewsMax

The e-tax Scam - Patriot Post

Obama budget to target retirement accounts - Tea Party dot org

Florida GOP trying to force Allen West out of Congress through redistricting? - Hot Air

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