Monday, April 29, 2013

The Difference Between George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The vitriol for Bush 43 by the liberal left still rages.  Obama has reached some kind of messianic level, in the meantime.  The assumption by the left is if you oppose Obama, you loved every little thing that that Bush did as President.  One thing is for sure; on September 11, 2001 when the United States was attacked by the cowards of Islam, I would have preferred no other president than Bush to have been in office.

Some of Bush's domestic policies were not in line with my constitutional principles.  "No Child Left Behind," for example, was bad law, and unconstitutional to boot.

When I was recently asked by a liberal leftist what the difference between Bush and Obama is, he was expecting a very different answer than I gave.

Bush was not perfect.  No man is.  But the difference between the two men goes deeper than just politics.

Barack Obama is an arrogant man who thinks he is above us, anointed to rule over us.

Bush believed he was one of us, granted the privilege and opportunity to serve us.

That difference was evident during the Bush Presidential Library dedication in Texas.

Just listen to the men talk. . .

Oh, and by the way, Mr. Obama?  This is not a democracy, it is a republic.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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