Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Liberal Gun Control Agenda: Statist Dreams of a Controlled Population

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut was the sight of a horrendous shooting, and was just the event needed for the democrats to politicize and launch a new round of gun control legislation.  Like nationalized health care, going after the guns of Americans has been a long-held desire of the liberal left, but in the past such attempts had proven unsuccessful.  The strategists in the Democrat Party reasoned that in order to achieve gun control, they could not simply change definitions, or make their statist intentions look more like it was for the common good than it really was.  They would need to change the minds of Americans.  The liberal left realized they needed to make Americans fear guns, to hate guns so much that they would be willing to allow the government to take away that fundamental right - and then applaud the politicians as they signed the gun confiscation order.

During Obama's first term I wrote often that the White House and liberal democrats were preparing to go after our guns.  They were waiting for the right moment, because that is what the liberal left does.  Readers that support progressivism left me comments and emails calling me a kook, saying that Obama never stated he was going after guns, and in fact that the President had stated he had no interest in increasing federal regulatory gun legislation.

It is interesting.  I have not heard from a single one of those critics of late.

Now, the attempt to increase federal gun control efforts is in full swing.  Never mind that the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority at all to enact any gun legislation.  The phrase, "...shall not be infringed," from the Second Amendment, is pretty clear and definitive.

What is fascinating is that the liberal left has never been willing to enforce the gun laws already on the books, and it is apparent that no new gun laws would have stopped those shootings they are using as examples of why they think we need more gun laws.  That is because wanting new gun laws to protect everyone is not really driving force, as they are claiming for the gun control push.  The reason, though they won't admit it, is an ultimate desire for full gun confiscation.  They will begin with people they can sell as not deserving guns, for the safety of the community, of course.  The mentally disturbed, military veterans with PTSD, and anyone that has shown any anti-government tendencies.  Doctors are already beginning to ask people if they own guns, and if the doctor thinks the person is mentally unstable, it will be used as an excuse to take the guns.

When the government begins defining who can or can't participate in a fundamental, God-given right, tyranny is on the march.

Barack Obama doesn't care if you think keeping and bearing arms is a fundamental right.  Statists can't control an armed populace.  How can you be a good subject if you have the ability to fight back?  But since Congress refuses to be a rubber stamp, and the gun control legislation failed in the Senate (which angered Obama to no end because he wanted it to die in the House of Representatives so the democrats could use the issue as a campaign argument in 2014 - "Those Republicans stopped the gun bill because they don't care about protecting your children"), Obama is deciding he must act more like a king, than a lowly president, and use "executive actions" to make sure we become safe from guns.

Oh, by the way, gun control actually kills more people.  Though gun deaths are down in Britain since their gun confiscation in 1997, violent crime rates have sky-rocketed, home invasions have risen to unbelievable numbers, the murder rate has reached incredible heights, and the people live in fear because of being unable to defend themselves.  In one documentary, I even watched how a home owner, who had refused to turn in his guns in 1997, shot two home burglars.  One died, and the other was only injured.  The criminal that survived got 18 months in jail.  The home owner, for protecting his property from the criminal element, and killing one of the invaders with an "illegal firearm," received life in prison.

Yet, the liberal left does not heed the evidence that shows the best way to stop a maniac with a gun is a bunch of good guys with guns.  Law-abiding citizens carrying firearms are the best defense against gun crime.  It is no coincidence that the deadly shootings the democrats are using as proof we need gun control all happened in gun-free zones.  The liberal left is willing to do whatever it takes to get their gun control legislation in place, even if it means using deception and unscrupulous means because it has nothing to do with guns, nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with controlling the populace, and setting up bigger government and more statism.

If you dare try to remain a gun owner, even after all of their legislation, the plan is to fine you, make you register each time you buy bullets, and force you to buy liability insurance as a gun owner.

What about the guy who slashed people at the Texas college with a razor knife?  Are they going to require us to register our knives?  Should I get a background check each time I walk into the home-improvement store because the tools can be used to assault?

One thing is for sure.  If there had been armed law-abiding citizens on that campus, the Lone Star College Slasher would have been stopped real fast.

The very idea of wanting to take guns from the law-abiding citizens for the actions of criminals (who will still find a way to get their hands on guns, or to injure or kill with other devices - such as we saw with the razor knife slasher at the Texas college) is like taking away the law-abiding driver's right to drive on the roadways because of the actions of drunk drivers.

The liberal left is now going after the guns, when they said they wouldn't.  They have caused a shortage in ammunition by the government buying up massive amounts of ammo, and they say it has nothing to do with civilians. - - - Wait a second.  Don't forget. Liberals lie.  Obama lied during his first term when he said he wasn't going to go after our guns, and the entire leftist establishment, in both parties, are lying now.

Statism is predictable.  Theirs is a pursuit of an ever growing government, veiled in a ridiculous notion of collectivism, and that they somehow know what is best for the community.  They see individuals as stupid, dangerous, and see individualism as an obstacle to their plan of government-led progress towards a communal utopia.  Taxes will be applied at all levels because they don't believe your money is your property.  Your guns are going to be taken because they don't trust you with your property.  Health care is moving into a nationalized system because you are easier to control if they are paying the bills, and can dictate to you what you can and can't do for the sake of the system.  This is what they do.  Progression never stops, until it is forced to be stopped.  The envelope never stops being pushed, and the statists never stop taking power.

They consider theirs to be a revolution that is changing America at its very foundations, and view property ownership as being one of the primary obstacles to their plans.  The Founding Fathers saw property ownership as among the most important of our fundamental, God-given rights.

Theirs is a revolution to take your property, to take your rights, and to take your freedoms.

What is the best way to meet a tyrannically driven revolution?

The answer to that question is why they want to disarm you.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Obama taking executive action on guns after Senate vote - Fox News

Obama: Doctors Should Ask About Guns In Homes - NewsMax

Gun Control Forces Seek New Path After Big Loss - Yahoo! News

Dem Proposal: $10k fine for gun owners who don't have liability insurance - Michelle Malkin

England Warns America: Don't Let Them Take Your Guns - YouTube

More Guns, Less Crime Again - NRA/ILA

The Facts About Mass Shootings - National Review Online

Debunking Gun Control Myths - Gun Facts

Suspect at Lone Star College slashing spree fantasized about killing people, planned attack, police say - Fox News

DHS Denies Ammo Purchases Aimed at Civilians - US News

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