Sunday, April 28, 2013

Airline Delayed Flights a Political Strategy by Liberal Left

By Douglas V. Gibbs

We keep hearing about delays at the airports of America.  The planes can't run on time, it is being blamed on the sequester, and the forced furlough of air traffic controllers.  In other words, we are being told by the federal government that without their big government intrusion into the industry, the planes can't run on time.

See how badly you need big government?

The Obama administration is purposely doing this.  It is a political strategy.  Blame the republicans.  That is the narrative.  The republicans are always the ones getting in the way, according to the democrats.  They are bigoted, racist, obstructionists, and don't want you to get to your destination.

Someone was telling me recently that they were talking to people about political issues, and as long as the discussion was about the issues, and any mention of political parties was left out of the conversation, the people agreed with conservative policies.  Once, however, it was revealed that what the person was agreeing to was in line with the Republican platform, the persons immediately changed their tune, changed their mind, and many even claimed they misunderstood what was being presented to them.

It looks like the liberal left has done a bang-up job demonizing republicans so that voters will run away from the GOP, not because of their stance on the issues, but because the voters believe the leftist propaganda.  They hear the word "republican" and they go running for the hills.

The voters are becoming tools that can't think for themselves, and only respond to the leftist narrative as presented by the educators, media, and politicians.

Back to the airports, the reality is that there is no reason for delays.  The whole point of the charade is to convince people that the republicans are making life harder on them through the sequester, and that big government is necessary for everything to run on time.

In reality, history has shown us time and time again that central planning by big government is disastrous.  Innovation, efficiency, and prosperity is caused by the free market, not government.

The government can't be innovative or efficient, because they don't make a profit.

The democrats are deliberately punishing airline customers to gain more support for their political agenda.  They need the chaos.  The leftists need the situation to become a crisis.  That is how they put their agenda in play.  They create a crisis, blame their opposition, and then shove their statist policies into place claiming it will resolve the crisis.  Then, if it backfires, they blame the opposition, and then promise to inject even more government to fix the problem their government policies caused in the first place.

Then, the democrats will claim the planes are again running on time because of big government, when finally the do begin to run on time (not because of government, but the private sector's drive for efficiency despite the government's action of sabotage.  That is the goal.  They want to get the public crying out, "We need big government to do more!  We need big government to make the planes run on time."

Then, when things go wrong, it's those anti-government conservatives that are at fault, and the whole cycle begins again.

Don't forget, Karl Marx said, "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."  The democrats are working on eliminating the opposition, and each of these actions, including the delays at the airports, and designed to be a part in doing just that.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Flight Delays as Political Strategy - Wall Street Journal

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