Sunday, December 29, 2013

Desperate Democrats Push For ObamaCare "CEO"

by JASmius

Well, this is a no-brainer; because, naturally, a president and an HHS commissar aren't enough chiefs, and the White House is running out of indians:

The White House is coming under pressure from some of its closest allies on healthcare reform to name a chief executive to run its federal health insurance marketplace and allay the concerns of insurers after the rocky rollout of ObamaCare.

Advocates have been quietly pushing the idea of a CEO who would set marketplace rules, coordinate with insurers and state regulators on the health plans offered for sale, supervise enrollment campaigns and oversee technology, according to several sources familiar with discussions between advocates and the Obama administration.

Supporters of the idea say it could help regain the trust of insurers and others whose confidence in the healthcare overhaul has been shaken by the technological woes that crippled the federal insurance shopping website and the flurry of sometimes-confusing administration rule changes that followed.

Um, what makes anybody think that an ObamaCare "czar" doing the exact same things O and Kathleen Sebelius have been doing would produce results that would be any different?  The UCLA's problem isn't leadership; the UCLA is the problem.  The obstinate hubris and blind self-faith that leads Obamunists to believe, despite more than a century of evidence to the contrary, that they can take over and run a three trillion dollar industry better than the free market can is the problem.  Think of it this way: If you enter a Yugo in the Indianapolis 500, you can put Michael Andretti or Danica Patrick behind the wheel, but you're still going to lose humiliatingly.  And it is that perpetuitous failure that exposes what their true agenda is: power.  Control.  And Americans do not like being controlled.

But advocates of this cockamamie "CEO" idea know this.  What they're really trying to do is frantically plug the PR leaks in the listing USS Obamatanic by grabbing any warm bodies they can and throwing them between The One and an angry, soon to become livid, American electorate like the Michelin Man throwing tires onto moving vehicles with the 2014 midterms coming over the horizon.  An O-Care "czar" would be an additional degree of propaganda separation.

Which is another way of saying that whatever poor bastard was stupid enough to take the job would be a dead man walking from day one.  They might as well call the post "Designated Scapegoat".  It would come with an office, a computer, a cell phone, and a sword to fall on.  S/he would be the one going out daily to lie obscenely and roll out endless excuses and finger-pointing and all the other festivities that Barack Obama has been having so gosh darn much fun doing.  And when that "CEO" was used up, s/he would be bleepcanned, and in would come another, and another, and another, while O "pivoted" to anything but healthcare.

In short, a defensive move.

And you know how these animals feel about playing defense.  Which is why Dr. Chicago will never buy this idea.

And, sure enough:

The White House is not embracing the idea of creating a CEO, administration officials said.

"This isn't happening. It's not being considered," a senior administration official told Reuters.

I would love to be able to believe that the reason they're not considering the "CEO" idea is because such a post would, constitutionally speaking, almost certainly require Senate confirmation.  I would also love to have a Star Trek replicator, holosuite, and transporter, so that I'd never have to leave my house again, and if I did, I could do so in style.  If they bought the idea, they'd just create another "czar" slot for this position, even though Harry Reid has made it impossible for Republicans to block confirmations.

No, the reason the White House is rejecting this recommendation is because ObamaCare is Red Barry's baby.....

.....he believes with a blind-guide zealot's fervor that it's going to work, and he doesn't want to share the credit, glory, or adulation with anybody else.  He believes it so blindly that he's willing to cast his party to the four winds for it.  Which makes no never mind to him, since he's Supreme Leader now and doesn't need them anymore.  They served their purpose.

It's a shame, actually; all those Democrat ex-senators and ex-representatives would have made a nice, big stable of CEO fodder.

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