Monday, December 30, 2013

Ted Cruz Takes Steps To Renounce Canadian Citizenship

by JASmius

Or, "Ted Cruz sells out":

Senator Ted Cruz, R-TX, has hired lawyers to officially renounce his Canadian citizenship and expects the process to be completed in 2014, the Dallas Morning News reports.

Cruz says he was not aware of his dual citizenship until it was brought to his attention by the newspaper earlier this year.

A few observations:

***I don't believe for a hoser second that a man of Senator Cruz's mental acumen and chosen profession could have been unaware that he held Canadian citizenship.  For heaven's sake, if a three-watt bulb like Wolverine knew about his....

....then what could possibly be Cruz's excuse?

***He's clearly running for president.  Ted Cruz, that is, not Wolverine.  Actually, I'd sign up in an adamantium minute if Wolverine were running.  Nobody could ever call James Logan a "squish".  Cruz, by contrast, has at least three strikes against him: (1) he's a senator; (2) he's got the worst political judgment I've ever seen - which his candidacy would depressingly re-confirm; and (3) he reminds me far more of Keanu Reaves (specifically the scene in the first Matrix where Cipher turns heel, kills several of Morpheus's crew by "unplugging" them, is about to do the same to Neo, and tells Trinity to "look into his eyes....those big, pretty eyes") than he ever will Hugh Jackman.

***The fact that Senator Cruz is running away from the Left's inevitable, and ridiculous, "birther" retribution ought to be dismaying, if not anger-inducing, to Tea Partiers.  First, because I've been told ad nauseum that what the Tea Party values above all else is candidates who will FIGHT!, FIGHT!, FIGHT! for their principles no matter what the circumstances; now here's the Tea Party's Kahless The Unforgettable pre-emptively fleeing for the tall grass on the Left's first salvo before they've even launched it.  And second, because it doesn't matter if he renounces his Canadian citizenship, because the Left will still "birtherize" him, and LIVs and NIVs will believe it, facts be damned and despite the additional fact that that avenue of attack would be beyond absurd either way.  Which brings us back to his abysmal lack of political judgment.

I suppose I should throw in this as well:

As for a presidential bid, Cruz gave the same line he always does when asked about any political plans: "My political perspective is focused on representing the state of Texas."

This is, of course, the standard professional politician question-dodging non-answer.  He won't be announcing his quixotic presidential bid for another year and a half, so sure, his focus is on representing Texas.  But in early 2015?  Well, he won't speculate on that.  Yet.

But rest assured, my Tea Party friends, to borrow a catch phrase from Master Yoda, "He will be - he will be...."  The only question is, will TPers ever come to recognize Ted Cruz for what he is: every bit the "professional politician" they claim to detest?

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