Sunday, April 28, 2013

Danger of an Unfettered Federal Government

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The federal government does not have the authority to do whatever it wants.  The Constitution was written to transfer from the States only the authorities necessary for the federal government to handle external issues, and issues necessary to preserve the union while also protecting State Sovereignty.  I don't care how benevolent the politicians say their federal policies are.  The federal government was not given the authority to handle internal issues for a reason.  The issues closer to the people must be the realm of the governments closest to the people, not to be handled by a central government that is prone to tyranny.  An unfettered government acting without checks and balances, and acting on issues that does not concern protecting, preserving, and promoting the union only, is a dangerous proposition, and can only result in unstoppable progression towards statism, tyranny, and ultimately the collapse of our system of liberty.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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