Troll commentary recently choked the life out of the comments sections on some of my recent posts. Some folks are more tolerant of trolls than others, and I always considered myself a decent guy for giving them their say. I figured, "Bring 'em on. Basic deductive reasoning and logic on my part will blow them out of the water, anyway."
The fact that I am even writing this post, to be honest, is equivelant to throwing them snacks. Trolls exist to be fed, and no amount of reasoning will make them understand the truth. I suppose I forgot my own piece of advice from posts long ago. You can't reason with the unreasonable.
Part of the reason I did not initially react to the presence of trolls was also, I assume, that for the most part they were not resorting to using ad hominem attacks. I figured, I have my point of view and they have theirs.
Liberal Trolls don't have arguments, only information that masquerades as an argument. It's not designed to convince anyone of anything. Their commentary is meant to harass, point out their interpretation of what flaws exist, and strut around disrupting a blog. And everytime one of us argues with a troll, we are in a sense rewarding them for their bad behavior. The troll likes getting us all riled up. That's the whole point, and they will keep at it until the owner of the site feels it necessary to change the form of comments, or eliminate comments all together. This really makes a troll feel good.
They are like trolls under a bridge, demanding a toll everytime you use your own bridge. I didn't understand that a month or so ago when I received a couple e-mails from readers stating that they weren't going to comment anymore. The cogs began to turn in my dome with a more recent e-mail stated that the sender detested what was going on and was going to cut ties with Political Pistachio.
It was like losing one of my best friends, almost. Why was I letting the enemy disrupt my house, and force my friends to leave? It's my party, and if someone can't behave, they must be the ones to leave. Period. It has nothing to do with freedom of speech. It's my house. My rules. Rather than paying the toll to that troll under the bridge, I need to just keep on driving, and run right over that troll's hand. Maybe then, the trolls will learn to keep their hands to themselves, and go hang out under somebody else's bridge.
Their arguments are always the same, too. They cry out for non-partisonship, good education for our children, health care for everyone, good health for our children, for society to provide care for our elderly, public services that truly do serve and protect, businesses that all work together for the good of the economy, fresh water and air, animals living in harmony with humankind, livable cities, ethics in all aspects of society be it politics or businesses, fair journalism, fair wages for all, and everyone dancing and singing the same tune of peace, love, and happiness. Sounds great, until you recognize all of the flaws.
Non-partisonship? That means you are partison if you disagree with their agenda. Being pro-life is not anti-abortion, to them, it's anti-woman's rights. Have a problem with gay marriage? They see you as a bigot, and homophobic. Support aggressive military defense of this nation against terrorism? Warmonger. And if you've never served in the military, you are a chicken, too. Ever notice that the argument they use is often: Then go enlist, tough guy. When I tell them I'm a veteran it usually shuts up that argument, but why even argue? If I keep arguing with these idiots, eventually people won't be able to tell who's the idiot, and who isn't. And then the liberal trolls will point out issues that conservatives and moderate Republicans are at odds on, like illegal immigration. They actually see these people that commit a crime in the very act of coming here as refugees, and they lump the illegals together with the legal aliens. I have no problem with immigration. I just have a problem with people that take the matters into their own hands by illegal means, in a sense, cutting to the front of the line.
Everyone wants good education for our children, but this "nurturing" aspect is doing more damage than good. The left is so afraid of hurting anybody's feelings that they have determined that time outs are better than a good old fashioned spanking, and that academics should be based on potential rather than results. Kids do not do well unless challenged. Mankind is that way, for that matter. If not taught to perform, and not forced to be disciplined in order to survive, people lose their competitive edge, and the highly successful concept of captialism requires competition and independent initiative. Self-reliance is not reached by accepting handouts, or being taught that everyone's a winner, and that there are no losers. One must make their opportunity, and work hard to reach success. I would want it no other way.
Who doesn't want to be healthy? But government controlled health care is a recipe for disaster, and the liberal trolls can proclaim the greatness of Europe's system all they want, but evidence is obviously showing that their system is a mess, and you will more likely die there before receiving the care you need. No thank you. I'll pay for my own insurance. It may be expensive, but the quality of care is worth it. Should there be a fix to the system? Sure. But let's not hand it over to socialism.
I'm not even going to go over the rest of those issues today. I think you get the point. And besides, that kind of socialistic programs they push cost money, and a lot of it. Taxes are high as it is. No thank you. I'd rather depend on My Lord and myself for happiness, not the government. For now on I will allow limited lefty commentary, but anything that I deem as even a little over the line in my conservative house will be deleted. No questions asked. If you disagree, too bad. I'm tired of playing the troll's games. This is my house, my party, and if you don't like it, go somewhere else and be a pain in the butt.
But DG - I'm considered a troll. Not just a troll, but a liberal troll at that.
Are you saying you are getting "flamed." By liberal trolls?
(I'm working on my rightwing cyber-lingo here, for my research, so help me out here...)
You're doing the old "git off my lawn..." routine. Don't get old before your time DG!
Of course all of your representations of liberals were, in fact, misrepresentations. But we'll leave that for another day, grouchy!
Outstanding Doug,
I've just posted an article on queers and the military...
Well that post is swarming with fag bees. Not sure in this case they're trolls, queer trolls if they are but somewhat staying on topic and that's the key. They move on if they have a half lick of sense.
Why stick around unless you're trying to push your agenda on someone elses blog? I mean there comes a point where rational debate becomes a forum for the other sides BS propaganda.
I like the Word Press format, You can do the troll control in a fashion that I am.
If you want a different point of view don't approve the awaiting comment in moderation just copy they're words and paste it. You're in control.
Your fellow conservative minded bloggers only need approved one time then can post at will and without further moderation. As long as WP recognizes who they are and is faimliar with their vitals...
Gives them an opportunity to say they're piece, if you wish to post it, but minimalizes the potential abuse factor.
Our blogs are ours and when trolls attempt to a takeover then enough is enough. Bloggers word verification does no good for trolls only non human spam assaults.
Only other choice is moderation if it gets out of control for everyone.
That gets old quick on this type of blogging format.
Everyones style is different, but it's my belief that your readers with similar views and those considered brothers are a priority and I'll chew up anyone that assaults mine on my blog and others if the circumstances deem appropriate.
Marines have a loyalty mindset that others can't comprehend, especially left wingers.
It's called Semper Fidelis.
Leftwingers are Americans, so are you saying that the Marines get to pick and choose which Americans to be loyal to?
There has never been a Marine who identified himself or herself as a liberal.
Nope. Never.
I've just posted an article on queers and the military...
Well that post is swarming with fag bees.
Gotta love the Christian principles he put in those statements.
And no, I'm not a Liberal; I'm a Conservative -- a real one, not a neo-con.
Doug, Good for you however you still have a few that can't read....
Debating is with the intent of compromise and possible changing of the minds.
MK is a classic example of an impasse reached... in which case war is usually declared, the nuclear option is available to you in the form of a ban, she has no blog and no forum for her mundane verbosity she uses yours.
Proletariat, The Christian principles in those statements are in the man shall not lay with man biblical passages.... the rest is Marine speak.
As far as calling someone a neo-con... careful there bud.
Very simple Doug..wait though..Did Phil move on to chasing cyber girls? Okay back to topic. You have a blog open to comments, you get what you get. MK is your favorite blogger and never says anything useful, she only adds questions that have no answer.
So it comes down to having them or not, you can delete what you want but in the long run you will have no readers, I am not sure why even bother posting about it. In fact complaining about it gives them a victory..of sorts. If i was MK I be laughing at you. Maybe she is?
I just don't think you can complain and blog. But thats me! If the abuse or threaten I'd say you are stuck with them.
In fact I'd just close my comments after a post like this. because that is what you are saying.
If you were me, you wouldn't be laughing at DG - but you are you, Dave, so you psychologically project the feelings within yourself that you do not find acceptable.
Please do not speak for me, or try to account for my motives. If DG doubts my motives, he knows that he can come right out and ask me what he wants to know. Some of it will be private, between me, and Mr. and Mrs. Pistachio.
Further more, I know plenty of Marines who identify as liberal, so that's a flat out lie. And if what you said were true, that would be UnAmerican, and UnConstitutional. The Marines are not a tool of one party or another. Busted.
The last paragraph was also directed at BWacky.
Proletariat, The Christian principles in those statements are in the man shall not lay with man biblical passages.... the rest is Marine speak.
As far as calling someone a neo-con... careful there bud.
They were hate filled, and there was no biblical meaning behind it. It was pure bigotry.
And, in my opinion, if you support this war, you are a neo-conservative.
and don't ever talk about the Marine Corp again! you have no idea what it takes to be one/nor could you make it. Twat!
That troll rendition looks like a demon..are you implying trolls are demons? (ahem..sarcasm)
From Wikipedia-
In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who enters an established community such as an online discussion forum and intentionally tries to cause disruption, often in the form of posting messages that are inflammatory, insulting, incorrect, inaccurate, absurd, or off-topic, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others.
Good post Gibbs. You're right on here brother.
We love ya man.
The last paragraph was also directed at BWacky.
The why not tell that to his own blog MK (?)
If you don't support this war then you are a Liberal Commie.
My Point
wait though..Did Phil move on to chasing cyber girls?
Wait though did My Point move on to chasing the limp-wristed males? LOL
Oh BTW My Point I believe that Doug didn't want anyone cussing on his blog either.
They were hate filled, and there was no biblical meaning behind it. It was pure bigotry.
And, in my opinion, if you support this war, you are a neo-conservative.
Oh and Proletariat what you said if you support this war, you are a neo-conservative was hate filled too so I guess that you are not very good at practicing what you preach.
Guess why everyone?
It's because Proletariat is a phony. Proletariat is no Conservative, he is a two faced Lying Liberal Commie.
A little rough start, but a good show Gibbs. Good to hear you guys.
'Like dogs digging a hole to get out'...good one Mrs. Pistachio
Ok fun time, bashing a liberal pair of twats....
Kitty, you know better than to address me as anything other than sir or big daddy, now get back in your cage and STFU....
Proilliterate, You are going to DC right? to march in disgrace in front of real men that stand up rather than kneel? I'm sure you are because you have the courage of your conviction...(/sarcasm)
I support ANY war my friends and country men are in.
WE elected the people that put them there and to do otherwise is a liberal trait, Blame Deflection.. I take full responsibility for helping to elect the man that sent them to war. Right or wrong I want us to win it, I want Iraq to succeed. YOU want US to lose because you are sitting at the "Everyone is a winner" kiddy table.
Neither one of you two worthless wastes of flesh deserve any of my time. Take a hike and hang out with the new owner of Halliberton. LMAO
BTW, My Point, easy there bud don't bust a blood vessel, the kitty ain't worth the litter.
Liberal Marines? are there such things, I mean how can one be a Marine and a liberal.
In battle the liberal Marine:
"oh c'mon guys, quit shooting, you might hit someone" "and how will that make them feel huh?"
"Ok, thats it, I'm telling the sarge"
Wow, Dave, that's really shocking. It's almost like you're threatening DG.
So far, on this one, single, solitary, thread, I've been referred to as tw-t, smelly, and a B-tch. There was a F-you, threats to DG (that he better delete me, or else.) Dave telling me what I can and can not say/write (about the military, but it could be anything else...) I was called a demon, a commie, a worthless piece of flesh, told I should get back into my cage, and to call someone who insulted me "sir or big daddy." And this is just one one thread here at this site.
Jenn "jokingly" called me a whore on Dave's show.
This is where DG's moral rubber hits the road.
This is your audience DG. Maybe I shouldn't call your show anymore? But hopefully you'll let their comments stand as a testament to their thinking.
Hopefully, you'll let Mrs. Pistachio see what's been written about me here as well.
Phil, do you always spill various segments of blather, or do you at least once in awhile hit the nail on the head?
I mean, you display your asininity just magically when you revert back to schoolyard tactics such as name calling.
Labeling someone a Communist for refusing to support this bloodbath.
Talk about an ad hominem.
I guess Chuck Hagel, John Warner, Arlen Specter, Lou Dobbs, Joe Scarborough, Pat Buchanan, and various other known Conservative voices are nothing more than a bunch of commies, 'eh?
When you say referring to an Iraq War supporter as a neo-con is hate-filled, then you are, by default, acknowledging that a neo-con is a wretched human being that is obsessed with expanding the American/Israeli empire, no matter the cost, correct?
How do you feel about Ann Coulter, Phil? She has identified herself as a neo-conservative on national television. If what I said is hate-filled, then you acknowledge a neo-con as a bad thing.
No more supporting Ann, Phil.
Typical of the moonbat lefty lunacy, Call someone else names, the cry "I'm a victim"
This thread proves a point Doug.
When you let trolls say their piece, no matter what the content, their character follows them, so even though they may be tame on one thread folks know whats behind them and will always be in attack mode...
The nature of the beast so to speak. The only way out is to either lose the trolls or lose your friends, because eventually what happens is folks with legit comments will stay clear in order to avoid the collateral damage on your blog.
Folks like the kitty and
Proilliterate have been around and made their reputations on other sites, We have seen what and who they are not worth the time, effort or thought.
Phil, do you always spill various segments of blather, or do you at least once in awhile hit the nail on the head?
I mean, you display your asininity just magically when you revert back to schoolyard tactics such as name calling.
Labeling someone a Communist for refusing to support this bloodbath.
Talk about an ad hominem.
I guess Chuck Hagel, John Warner, Arlen Specter, Lou Dobbs, Joe Scarborough, Pat Buchanan, and various other known Conservative voices are nothing more than a bunch of commies, 'eh?
When you say referring to an Iraq War supporter as a neo-con is hate-filled, then you are, by default, acknowledging that a neo-con is a wretched human being that is obsessed with expanding the American/Israeli empire, no matter the cost, correct?
How do you feel about Ann Coulter, Phil? She has identified herself as a neo-conservative on national television. If what I said is hate-filled, then you acknowledge a neo-con as a bad thing.
No more supporting Ann, Phil.
Oh, and Bushwach, what other sites have I made a reputation on? My own?
Sorry for it posting twice. Server acted up.
I guess Chuck Hagel, John Warner, Arlen Specter, Lou Dobbs, Joe Scarborough, Pat Buchanan, and various other known Conservative voices are nothing more than a bunch of commies, 'eh?
Hey Proletariat, that is your excuse of conservatives? Those are what a true conservative calls a RINO.
Proletariat you are a Liberal commie and that is all there is to that. Calling what Ann Coulter said, huh she would have a good name for you too I'm sure and I would support her calling you a commie.
When you say referring to an Iraq War supporter as a neo-con is hate-filled, then you are, by default, acknowledging that a neo-con is a wretched human being that is obsessed with expanding the American/Israeli empire, no matter the cost, correct?
There you see you admit to hatting Israel, I knew you are a Liberal Commie.
You are just a waste of skin.
Phil I got no more time for you. You and MK make a good pair. Waste of air. Marines have a way of dealing with you. Good Luck Phil maybe I'll see you on the streets of the 651 area code. Or read about you in the paper being arrested.
As for this blog, I am done with it and its nonsense trolls. >MK and Phil.
"Jenn "jokingly" called me a whore on Dave's show."
Oh get over it Twitty, it was a joke. no quotes needed. You said, "I'm a working girl" and I said,"Which corner". It was straight up a joke and a whole lot different than me calling you a whore. So give it a rest.
I read Tom's blog (TomsNeurosis) and just wanted to let you guys know that he is no advocate of free speech himself.
Take a look at the comments for his post about Doug on the 14/3/07 called "Wrapping up". You'll see that Tom and his buddy are far from the lovers of free speech and expression that they say they are.
He even wishes death upon me for having the audacity to disagree with his views.
I hope you don't me becoming a frequent visitor to your site.
Funnily enough, if you look at Tom's post today he even manages to brag about his fella's earnings.
LordBrownMouse (UK)
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