By Douglas V. Gibbs
One of the couples that attends my Constitution Class in Temecula on Thursday Nights belongs to Campaign for Liberty, which is a group that supports Ron Paul for President. As is customary after class, a group formed around me in the parking lot asking questions. One of the main questioners is often a young man in the 8th Grade who is homeschooled, and has been a regular with his mom to my class for quite a while. The young man had a list of questions, and reading from his notes, he asked me if I thought Obama could win in 2012.
I replied, "No." However, I added that we must not underestimate the power of Democrat Party tactics, and the power of accusation. A great example is their attacks against Sarah Palin. Nearly all of the Left's accusations against Palin are false, and have been proven to be so. Yet, I still hear liberals spout the lunacy. Many of the sheep still believe that Palin was a book burner, separatist, and said that she could see Russia from her house (Tina Fey said that while impersonating Palin). It didn't matter to the Left how insanely inaccurate their accusations were. The mere utterance of the inaccuracies lured people in, and made a mockery of the woman. Meanwhile, nobody noticed when Obama claimed there was 57 states, called Pennsylvanians bitter gun and religion clingers, was willing to talk to Iran without pre-conditions while also uttering that the U.S. needed to work to bring about "changes in behavior" by rewarding Iran when they do good, said in a speech that Pearl Harbor was destroyed because of "a bomb that fell on Pearl Harbor," said his Grandpa helped liberate Auschwitz (when it was the Russians), and of course all of the flip flops that are still going on.
"This is where Trump will be so valuable, should he run," I continued. "I don't think Donald Trump is a conservative, nor is he electable. However, he has fire that the Republicans don't have, and Trump's presence in the campaign will ignite other fires. Of course who I would really like to see is either Allen West or Rand Paul, but as freshmen in Washington, they will sit this one out. Michelle Bachmann is great, but I don't think she will overcome the attacks, or shake that idea that Representatives don't get elected. She will, however, by running, ensure that the Tea Party message (and influence) remains a main point in the election. DeMint will do the same, but not gain the nod. Idealy, I'd like to see Herman Cain gain it, but I think lack of recognition will be his undoing. After all of the dust settles, I think we will be surprised, because I think the one that has the strongest chance is Tim Pawlenty."
"What about Ron Paul?" asked the Campaign for Liberty couple.
"I disagree with Ron Paul on the same things his son, Rand Paul, disagrees with him on."
"Foreign policy," the couple inserted.
"Yeah," I said, "That's a part of it."
Let me explain. . .
I agree with Ron Paul that we should not get involved in foreign entanglements that do not concern us. I think, unlike Ron Paul, that there can be made a fair argument in favor of invading Iraq and Afghanistan. I believe Saddam's association with al-Qaeda, and the practice of supporting terrorists, made it our problem as well, giving us the green light on military operations. I am not real hip on the Libya thing, however, and question the current American foreign policy regarding the upheavals in other Muslim states.
Ron Paul is a fine Representative, and understands the Constitution more than most of those cockroaches. However, aside from his foreign policy, I am rubbed the wrong way by the crowds he attracts. . . like "Truthers" (9/11 conspiracy nuts).
I believe that Ron Paul is on the money 80% of the time. Unfortunately, he's loony the other 20% of the time - and I can do without that 20%.
I hear Ron Paul is launching an exploratory committee. More power to him. It is great that he is involved. But of all the Republicans considering running, I think he (and maybe Trump) is the candidate that would most likely be beat by Obama.
And that is saying something since I have said that I think Mickey Mouse and Elmer Fudd could beat Obama in this upcoming election.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
The name of the party is The Democratic Party, whether you like it or not. We don't denigrate your right wing parties by mispronouncing them, do we? Do unto others, my friend.
Wow, the liberals get in a tizzy so easy. uh, Mike, there is nothing democratic about the Democrats, hence the reason for the habit I have of calling them the democrat party. And you say you don't denigrate other parties? Really? Perhaps you should take a closer look at your leftist brethren.
Your argument is invalid, You generalize basic terminology for the half ass job you claim to be an opinion... being that it is your opinion and you have every right to own it; it's still key to refine it before you share.Oh, and your comment, " Perhaps you should take a closer look at your leftist brethren." , is childish to say the least. You act as if American Politics is like a soccer game with only two teams with very specific doctrines. Leftist brethren, what a canvas to throw over poor Mike, who I don't even know; Or even know of his political affiliations if he claims one. It is rude as and Adult to do so. And of course there is nothing Democratic about Democrats, America is a Republic. Heck, Republicans are more Democratic, which isn't a good thing considering the bureaucratic society it would create in order to implement. On the actual topic, Ron Paul would probably make a good VP or something, not necessarily a Pres. Agree/DisAgree with Ron Paul?
Actually, yes there is a situation where it is left vs. right. It is a shame, but that is what it is. Pointing that out is not childish. Not pointing it out would be irresponsible. "Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire." - Robert A. Heinlein
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