Saturday, February 02, 2013

Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs - The Islamic Transformation of America

Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs, KCAA 1050 AM, 2:05 pm Pacific,, podcast available on our podcast page, Call-in Number 888-909-1050

In Crescent Moon Rising, journalist Paul L. Williams examines the phenomenal rise of Islam in the United States and discusses its implications.

In the first half of the book, the author traces the beginnings of Islam in this country, in particular the rise and influence of the Nation of Islam among African Americans. He emphasizes the impact of the 1965 Hart-Cellar Act, which abolished national-origin quotas and led to successive waves of Muslim immigrants, who entered this country from Palestine, Kuwait, Iraq, Southeast Asia, Africa, Turkey and other parts of the world.

In the second half, Williams considers statistical studies of American Muslims regarding age groups, family size, professional affiliations, annual income, and religious and political commitments. He also addresses a number of disturbing concerns about some aspects of the Muslim presence in America. These include: the connections between many American mosques with Saudi benefactors who promote an ultra-orthodox, anti-Western agenda; the existence of Muslim paramilitary training grounds recruiting ex-convicts; and the ties of even self-described moderate Muslim spokespersons with more politically radical elements.

Paul Williams is our guest today during the first segment of our program.  Tune in live to listen to the interview.

The Second Segment is normally the Book of the Week and Constitution Quest Question of the Week with Paul "Prying1" Young.  However, Mr. Young passed away last Saturday evening, and we will say a few words about him, and the Constitution Quest Question of the Week will not have a prize attached. We will ask the question, and then hold a conversation regarding the answer.  Call in to participate at 888-909-1050.

Then, during the final segment, JASmius of Hard Starboard Radio will join me for the

5 Big Stories of the Week, February 2, 2013

Honorable Mention: Women in Combat

Honorable Mention: Gun Confiscation is their goal (Liberal Council Member: You can be shot by an unloaded gun)

5.  The Incredible Shrinking GDP - Shuts down Jobs Council?  Jobs Lost but 7.9 Unemp. Rate? . . . I argue this is exactly what they wanted.  Remember, they want to knock U.S. Down a few notches, and stop profit - force us into nationalization.  Obama hates the private sector.
 (Economy Adds Another 157,000 Jobs; Rate Up to 7.9%)

4.  Israel, Syria, Iran - a powder keg ready to go boom

3.  American Embassy in Turkey Bombed

2.  Immigration Passes Gun Control as Top Headline Issue - Distraction to hide their gun control moves?

1.  Paul “Prying1” Young - Rest in Peace

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