Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Socialized Medicine in Increments. . . first, the children

According to the Associated Press, the House of Representatives passed a children's health care bill that is yet another step towards a nationalized health insurance system in this nation.

Interestingly, they did not learn from the failures of plans similar to this in other countries, or more recently in Hawaii.

Also, included in the provisions are the state option to cover illegal aliens, an increased cigarette tax (so what happens when everyone finally quits smoking like they have been pressuring people to do? Then where will the money come from?), mandates to the states to include dental coverage (the fed has no business mandating the states to do anything on the local level - constitutionally speaking), and limits the ability for physician-owned hospitals to expand (in other words, how dare your business grow and become successful, and how dare you choose your clients).

This is even more government intrusion into your lives with this Democratic bill, and more is coming with Obama in the White House.


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