Friday, April 02, 2010

Swamp Thing

SWAMP THING by Annie Hamilton

“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them”-Patrick HenryGod wants us to laugh. That's why he gave us free will. Without it, those of us who have been dropped on our heads might have stayed at home and simply followed instructions rather than allowed our professors to brainwash us into believing their liberal diatribes. Nowadays, there is quite a bit of activity happening under our noses and it’s certainly anything but amusing. How a mentally impaired twit (Nancy P) with an 11 % approval rating can push through unconstitutional legislation with an even less popular (8 % Harry R and counting in Nevada) at the behest of an illegally seated President whose approval rating is lower than Bush’s during his last year in office is beyond most people with more than a few operational brain cells. Obviously they did it extremely illegally, showing testicular fortitude for the first time while in office. (too bad he didn’t use his stones for something useful - like nuclear negotiations and standing down the nutcase from North Korea)It is absolutely shocking, the lack of respect, these individuals have shown for the American people, who have spoken out, over and over again.And why are we not being heard?Because the idiotic left has their own ‘agenda’ and is not about to let anything else get in their way. What do I mean about AGENDA?*February 19, 2009 - Obama signed an Executive Order, establishing a ‘Department of Urban Affairs’ to do nothing but deal with ‘Black’ issues. Hmmm.

What about ‘White’ issues?*$1.25 billion payout settled with black farmers - really? And why is this? I don’t want to HEAR about all of the ‘poor blacks who were thrown out of their homes - Unless we're also going to have a conversation about the poor whites who were thrown out of their homes.They haven’t gotten a DIME from the government. Where is THEIR settlement?SMELLS LIKE DISCRIMINATION TO ME! How about the rest of you?Anyone ELSE sick and tired of the ‘black’ agenda of this ‘President?’*Free healthcare for chronically unemployed and illegal aliens? Don’t want it passed? …we’ll over’ride them and do it anyway! Here we ARE to take things OVER!Smell familiar? Am I wrong? Or AM I WRIGHT? HUH, JERIMIAH? Hey…let’s get together with ‘Smiley’ in San Diego and ‘discuss’ ‘another Black meetin' with Cornel & the boys!What do you guys think? Are you sick of the lunatics in office yet? Have you had enough?Paying for the ‘perks’ and ‘freebies’ of this joke of an Administration? Yes, I’m serious.Google the words ‘Black Pride. There are TONS of places/organizations that come up.Now google ‘White pride’ nothing. Because it’s considered ‘racist’ And it’s NOT. Why can whites not be proud?
Where is our white agenda? We pay tax dollars. We’re becoming a minority.

How about a 'White College Fund?' or 'Miss White America?'

Right! that's offensive!You’re losing ground, Mrs. Speaker of the House. By the way - if you haven’t noticed? You’re a white too. Just not a very bright woman.p.s., when you get around to it, ask Dodd where his loan papers are ok? (both sets - it’s YOUR responsibility as the ‘Swamp keeper’) p.p.s., last question, Ms. Swamp-keeper - Since the IRS is taking on the ‘new task’ of ‘making sure’ that everyone is insured…..will this mean that Geithner will be caught up on his taxes, as well as everyone else on the federal payroll? Who is going to make sure? YOU?


Re-posted with permission on Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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