Tuesday, April 30, 2013


By Don Jans

The American Experiment is unique to all history. It was never tried before the American Revolution and has never been duplicated since. It proved to be extremely successful. So why does the Marxist/Progressive party in America and elsewhere continue to try to destroy it?

WHAT IS THE AMERICAN EXPERIMENT? The American Experiment is contradictory to any ruling class and intellectual elite thinking of any time. The ruling class has always believed they are superior beings because of social superiority and birthrights. The intellectual elite place themselves in a superior position because they perceive themselves to be superior intellectually. Neither can nor do they claim these positions because of accomplishments. Both non accomplishing classes still believe they are best suited to be the caretaker of the common man, since the common man is incapable of being socially and economically self-reliant. The common man must be protected from himself. He can only survive by relying on these superior beings.

The American Experiment is the antithesis of that thinking. The American Experiment is common man saying I am not common. I am a unique individual and as such I not only can be but should be independent and self-reliant in all facets of life. This belief also says that government is a necessary evil. As an evil institution, it should be limited in all ways, because less government is always better government. This is essential to allow the conglomeration of unique individuals to flourish.

This concept of the unique individual was able to develop, grow and flourish, because of the discovery of the New World. The rulers in power in Europe coveted this New World because of the riches they knew it would bring them. In order to cultivate these riches, they needed people in this land across the sea. This presented the ruling class with a wonderful opportunity to solve two problems at the same time; they could capture the profits and rid themselves of non-conformists and malcontents. This included people who insisted on practicing religion as they saw fit and not as the state dictated, and those who refused to accept the station in life to which they were assigned by birth or otherwise.

These “rejects” once transported, were literally weeks away from those who sought to control them. They were now free to practice their religion as they desired, live in their nonconforming manner and allow their unique individuality to develop. This they did and THEY FLOURISED. They became even more independent and self-reliant. This led to 1776 when these “rejects” against all odds, declared themselves as free men. This declaration said we are free from the enslavement of an egalitarian and conforming society dictated by a ruling class and intellectual elites.

The result of this experiment produced the most astonishing results in world history. The American Experiment resulted in the most unique people the world had or has ever known. These unique individuals became the most energetic, innovative, generous, pioneering, independent, self-reliant and powerful people ever. Instead of using their power to capture and enslave others, they used their power to free and to help others.

The world ruling class and intellectual elite were confused and angered. Common man is not supposed to do extraordinary things. Common man is not to strive for excellence, achievement and self-reliance. Common man should never consider himself unique, for they are all equal and must conform to the wishes and desires of us, the ruling class and intellectual elite, for only we are capable.

If the American Experiment was allowed to continue, the ruling class and intellectual elite would become even more irrelevant. This brought the intellectual elite, led by the likes of Karl Marx to declare these unique individuals evil. It is they who are oppressors and represent all that is wrong in the world. Marx’s philosophy says man by nature is an underachiever and seeker of mediocrity. Because of this nature of common man, he needs to be other (government) reliant.

America is now at a crossroads. The Marxist/Progressives have convinced many Americans they are not unique. These convinced Americans now believe they need evil government because they are not capable of being self-reliant. These convinced Americans believe they should not even attempt excellence or achievement, but be content with mediocrity and conform.

FLAG WAVING AND SLOGANS WILL NOT REVERSE THIS TREND. Only truth and action will reverse it. Only the SPIRIT AND COMMON SENSE OF 1776 can restore the American Experiment and allow unique individuals to again flourish. WHAT SHOULD THIS ACTION BE?

1. All freedom loving and independent Americans must understand this Marxist movement and how it is intended to transform us.

2. We must then discuss this with the convinced Americans, using the terms and results of the Marxist movement and not terms like Communist, Socialist or Marxist.

3. We must put forth spokesmen to Boldly and Directly Confront Marxist/Progressives.

4. We must be willing to commit time and finances to restore true American values.

Don Jans, Author and Speaker If you also wish to restore our American Experiment by Boldly and Directly Confronting Marxist/Progressive, please share this with all you know and even those you do not. Please visit www.mygrandchildrensamerica.com

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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