Friday, November 01, 2013

ObamaCare Enrollment, Day 1: How Low Was It?

by JASmius

Would you believe.....?

For those of you who aren't Battlestar Galactica fans, how about.....

For those of you who aren't pro wrestling fans either....oh, heck, since Sharyl Attkisson has her cattlecar ticket stamped like it was the Polar Express anyway, why not let her tell it?:

See Video

Yes, my fellow American incarcerees, six.  6.  Three times two.  46.153846% of a baker's dozen.  A touchdown..... the entire country.  A rate at which every American will have government-dictated health insurance coverage in....143,740 years, give or take a few months.

Exit quote from Kyle Becker:

We’re talking the signature legislation of President Obama, one that was fought over for over a year, and the law the Democrat Party is hanging its hat on for the next decade… and six people signed up at the launch? Would it be inappropriate to snicker, here?

I'd say it would be a physical impossibility not to.

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