Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Obama Buys Families Of Charleston Shooting Victims

by JASmius

It's an exceedingly harsh way to score a $29 million payday, but cha-ching:

The Obama administration is fast-tracking a huge payout to the victims of the Charleston, South Carolina, church shooting, giving the families of those slain millions more than victims from Sandy Hook, Boston, and other mass murders.

Because those victims were all white.  Indeed, it's a miracle that O allowed them any boodle at all.

The White House will send $29 million to South Carolina in the wake of the June 17th shooting that left nine people dead in a historic black church, according to a Reuters report. All of the victims were black, and it was called a hate crime in the hours following it.

So non-black mass murders evidently don't count.

And that's no exaggeration:

According to Reuters, a chunk of the $29 million — which was allocated as part of the government's national Crime Victim Assistance Formula Grant program — can help provide services to the families of those killed. Among the dead was Pastor Clementa Pinckney, who also served as a South Carolina state senator.

The $29 million payout is significantly more than what was given to the victims of the 2012 Aurora, Colorado, theater shooting ($2.9 million); the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting ($1.5 million); and the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing ($8.3 million).

I imagine the definition "victim" in this boondoggle (part of the American "Recovery" and "Reinvestment Act," natch) is infinitely elastic - Aurora purportedly had fifteen hundred of them, or about two grand a head.  There were nine killed in Charleston; if their families are counted as "victims" as well, that's a cool three mil each, tax-free.  Which I guess means that "black lives matter" ten times more than white lives do.

Here is what supposedly goes into a CVAFG:

Each eligible state victim assistance program will be awarded a Recovery Act - VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Grant to support the provision of services to victims of crime. Services are defined as those efforts that (1) respond to the emotional and physical needs of crime victims; (2) assist primary and secondary victims of crime to stabilize their lives after a victimization; (3) assist victims to understand and participate in the criminal justice system; and (4) provide victims of crime with a measure of safety and security such as boarding up broken windows and replacing and repairing locks. [emphases added]

Translation: (1) cha-ching, (2) cha-ching, (3) how to get more cha-ching, and (4) things that will be more than covered by three million bucks per clan.

You can actually reap a bonanza from a loved one being gunned down in cold blood, and get rich if you're black.  Only in Obamerikastan.

If I didn't love my family more than life itself, I'd start shopping for estimates.

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