Wednesday, August 05, 2015

John Kerry Warns Congress Not To "Screw The Ayatollah"; UPDATE: Obama Doubles Down

by JASmius

Here's how to make sense of Commissar Lurch's comments: Wherever you see the word "Ayatollah," substitute the word "Obama," and everything will come into focus:

The ayatollah approached this entire exercise extremely charily. He gave a kind of dismissive OK to [President Hassan] Rouhani and company to go do this, in the sense that he didn’t want to be blamed if this didn’t work. It was all Rouhani’s risk. He was playing the IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps], and this and that. And so it was clear to me from my many conversations with Zarif and from the entire dynamic how fragile that journey was with him. The ayatollah constantly believed that we are untrustworthy, that you can’t negotiate with us, that we will screw them. This will be the ultimate screwing. We cut a deal, we stand up, it’s announced, five other countries believe in it—six other countries, because Iran signs off, and we’re the seventh—but you know, China, Russia, France, Germany, Britain, all sign off. Now the United States Congress will prove the ayatollah’s suspicion, and there’s no way he’s ever coming back. He will not come back to negotiate. Out of dignity, out of a suspicion that you can’t trust America. America is not going to negotiate in good faith. It didn’t negotiate in good faith now, would be his point.

Step back for a moment and look at the orientation of Kerry's rhetoric - something he's equally unable and unwilling to do: It's all from the mullahs' point of view.  All the "risks" Khamanei and Rouhani took; how betrayed they would feel if Congress (miraculously) opted not to consent to the atomic incineration of the U.S. eastern seaboard; how important it is to prove ourselves trustworthy, or - HORRORS! - the mullahs might never let us jerk them off "negotiate" with us again.  Not so much as a hint of Iran's years and years of hiding its pursuit of nuclear weapons the IAEA, cheating on inspections, hiding its military research, blanket refusal to negotiate in good faith.  Why else does he suppose these endless "talks" have gone on for over a decade?

And that's why I believe that the Boston Balker isn't actually - or at least primarily - concerned with the Supreme Leader getting butthurt.  It is, rather, all about Barack Obama's "historic" foreign policy "legacy," all about his Neville Chamberlain moment, all about back-filling his 2009 Nobel Peace Prize - and Kerry grabbing one for himself while he's at it to admire in the dancing light of the flames of what's left of Washington, D.C. and Boston after the Iranian bombs fall.

As to Israel's glowing fate right alongside us, the "top diplomat" didn't even bother trying to construct a flimsy artifice of pathetic lies, but simply and blatantly defied reality:

Let me put this in very precise terms. Look, I’ve gone through this backwards and forwards a hundred times and I’m telling you, this deal is as pro-Israel, as pro-Israel’s security, as it gets. [emphasis added]

John Kerry has a...unique definition of Israeli security.  One with which nobody can argue, because the only rational reaction is to call the men in the white coats and butterfly nets to come collect this lunatic and take him away for more electric shock treatments.

He even managed to question the Jews' collective mental stability in universally opposing this "deal":

Because there’s a huge level of fear and mistrust and, frankly, there’s an inherent sense that, given Iran’s gains and avoidance in the past, that somehow they’re going to avoid something again. It’s a visceral feeling, it’s very emotional and visceral and I’m very in tune with that and very sensitive to that.

Apparently not, Johnny.  But heck, why would Israel fear that the mullahs "are going to avoid something again"?  Just because they've been bellowing "DEATH TO ISREAL!" every day for thirty-six years, threatened repeatedly to "wipe Israel off the map," and are hell-bent on building an arsenal of nuclear warheads with the MRBMs and ICBMs to deliver them doesn't mean they can't be trusted, right?

Not to be upstaged, however, The One himself, before embarking for yet another indolent vacation, escalated Kerry's absurdities to even more insane lengths:

Barack Obama told U.S. Jewish leaders it was likely rockets would fall on Tel Aviv if a nuclear deal with Iran was blocked and military action ensued, one of them said on Wednesday.

So Congress must rubber-stamp the nuclear "deal" with Iran to keep them from getting nuclear weapons because if they don't, the mullahs will nuke Tel Aviv.  Or maybe just gas it.

Almost sounds like.....nuclear blackmail, doesn't it?  Carried out on the mullahs' behalf by their big-eared, lackey apprentice, it seems.

But don't say that out loud; you might hurt Ali Khamanei's feelings.  After all the "risks" he took pocketing Obama's and Kerry's haul of concessions, we sure wouldn't want to do that.

UPDATE: O couldn't leave for yet another long, idle, decadent sojourn of divot-mongering and shrimp without another double-middle-finger salute.

And a hail and hearty F-you, too, Barry. I hope Boehner and McConnell throw your clubs in the first water hazard while you're admiring yourself in the golf cart's rear-view mirror.

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