Saturday, August 21, 2021

Afghanistan Withdrawal Debacle Reveals Much

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Originally, the Trump Administration had a plan that would make sure Americans got out of Afghanistan before any withdrawal, and to remove our troops in such a way that presence was still felt and the Taliban was not able to rush in like they did with the Biden withdrawal.

EXC: Joe Biden’s State Dept Halted A Trump-Era ‘Crisis Response’ Plan Aimed At Avoiding Benghazi-Style Evacuations Just MONTHS Before Taliban Takeover.

Trump Details Afghanistan Plan Opposite Biden and ‘Woke Generals’

The fall of Kabul is reminiscent of the fall of Saigon after we left Vietnam.  History gave us many clues on how to handle this.  Biden even had some of his own people telling him not to withdraw the troops from Afghanistan in the manner he was planning, and then he lied about it...

Biden Says Not One Military Leader Advised Him To Keep Troops in Afghanistan Even Though Numerous Reports Say Otherwise

Then, as expected, the Democrats blame their Afghanistan failure on Trump, even though Biden later admitted he'd have done what he did anyway.

After Blaming Trump For Afghanistan Withdraw, Biden Says He Would Have Done it Anyway

It doesn't matter that the cost in the long run is worse than had we remained, or fought a war in Afghanistan, because to the Democrats the narrative of weakening America not only here, but around the world, is more important than anything else; even if it means stranding Americans in Afghanistan and leaving them to beg the Taliban to spare their lives.

McConnell: Americans in Afghanistan ‘Have to Beg the Taliban’ to Get to Airport, We’ll End Up Spending More Evacuating Than War Cost

In addition to sacrificing lives to the Taliban, Biden and the Democrats also gave away American equipment, which in turn armed the terrorist group with our weapons of war:

Report: Taliban Captured 2,000 US Armored Vehicles, 40 Aircraft, and Machine Guns

The plan to conspire with Islam to sacrifice Afghanistan was in the plans long ago...

Taliban leader freed from Guantanamo Bay by Obama in 2014 helped organize takeover of Afghanistan

The Sinister reasons behind the Afghanistan withdrawal is that the Democrats need a distraction to get you to avert your eyes away from what they are doing domestically, and because they want the Taliban in control, killing people, and spreading authoritarian hate throughout that part of the world.  The Democrats through their actions are telling us that they are actually allies with radical fundamental Islam.

The Afghanistan Exit Debacle: Incompetence, Distraction or Something More Sinister?

The Democrats' disregard for our interests, our national security, and even our sovereignty as a country so that they can chase their Marxist communist agenda has also revealed itself in other ways that, in the long run, puts at risk our safety as an autonomous independent sovereign country in a world full of globalist authoritarian collectivist wannabes:

 Outrage as Biden ‘Accidentally’ Reveals Identities of CIA Agents During Video Conference

CNN is so busy trying to protect Islam that the reporters have gone to ludicrous levels of journalism:

CNN ‘Journalist’ With Taliban: They’re Just Chanting ‘Death to America’ but They Seem Friendly at the Same Time

As we see the Taliban executing people if they find a BIBLE on their phones.

And the Biden Administration is fine with that, because in the minds of the hard left Democrats the narrative of a collective global community is more important than your pesky little individual liberties.  COVID is a great example of how they are willing to suspend your liberty for what they perceive to be the "good of the community":

Fauci: 'Put Aside All of These Issues of Concern About Liberties'

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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