Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Authorities of the Federal Government

by Douglas V. Gibbs

Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

I was asked, "I wonder, if the Founding Fathers were alive today, what they would think about what is going on in our country."


After he named a few issues, like health care, some of the social issues, and federal regulations regarding banking, environmental issues, and education, I responded, "They would ask, 'Why is the federal government involved in those issues in the first place?'"


The federal government was established to address external issues, and conflicts between the States, and nothing more.  Internal issues are supposed to be handled by the corresponding local government, be it the State, County or City (depending on the issue).  There is no constitutional authority expressly enumerated in the United States Constitution giving to the federal government the power to dictate to individuals regarding health care, to dictate to the States how they are to enforce immigration laws internally, to influence in any way the education standards used by individual communities or individual families, any regulatory power against private industries or any authority allowing the federal government to influence the job market in any way outside of the issuance of the currency. 

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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