Friday, May 04, 2007

The Next Veto - The Gay Agenda

Last night when I got home from work I heard that the Republican Debate was on television. I promptly went to bed. Don't get me wrong, an opportunity to see the ten declared Republican candidates meet together for the first time and slug it out was tempting - but I knew that their contrasting views on social issues would dominate the forum, and the liberal press would jump all over that.

I was right. This morning when I picked up my dew-ridden newspaper in a clear plastic baggy laying on my driveway the first thing that caught my eye was the headline on the bottom of the frontpage that read: "GOP Candidates show sharp divide on social issues, Bush record." (I did, however, hear from my mom that Duncan Hunter and Mike Huckabee kicked butt - and Hunter carries himself as Presidential material)

Now, the divide on Bush's record is to be expected. Some Republicans support his actions one hundred percent, some feel he went in too strong, and your most conservative Republicans and candidates believe that we went into the war too soft. Have there been mistakes in running the war? I suppose there have been. It's an imperfect world with imperfect leaders. If it had been up to me we would have gone in stronger, using the great weaponry available to us on our Naval Ships and our mighty aircraft.

Then I came across another gem that about knocked me to the floor. I had heard about his on the radio yesterday, but didn't really get into the meat of the issue, and bill, until this morning.

Congress will vote on Thursday on a "hate crimes" bill, H.R. 1592. This is just another bill that the Democrats know that President Bush will veto, but they aren't writing these bills to be passed. The liberal left wish for the President to veto their bills. The Democrats are wording these bills in such a way that when President George W. Bush vetoes them the Left can come back with a whole list of things he rejected and why he is such a bad guy for doing so.

Example: When he vetoed the recent Iraq Funding Bill the Democrats loaded it with so much pork that it was ridiculous. Did the Left really believe that the bill would go through? Of course not. But now that Bush has vetoed it, they can go right down the line of accusatons. They proclaim Bush denied the troops their funding, denied the citizens an increase in the minimum wage, denied the war victims of the future their very lives, etc. etc. etc.

With the Fairness Doctrine they will accuse the Right, when it is rejected, of denying the public the right to hear the truth, denying the public of fair broadcasting, and that by rejecting the bill the Conservative Right will receive the exact opposite of what they expect and hope for - and that the public will demand that the FCC silence these conservative threats to security.

Remember, the Germans willingly voted the Nazis into power back during the 1930's because they were led to believe similar lies as well. Maybe we should rename the Democratic Party the American National Nazi Party of Democrats.

Now, the Liberal Congress, led by House Speaker Nancy "Feminazi" Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry "I Surrender" Reid, is sponsoring this "hate crimes/gay-friendly" legislation which basically outlines that anything done or said against homosexuality is a hate crime. Yes, that's right, under this new law if your preacher stands on the pulpit claiming that the Bible proclaims homosexuality is a sin, he will be subject to this proposed law and could be jailed for his comment.

And what's even worse, the cases used to support this bill are all fraudulent.

I am sure that there are isolated incidences of legitimate bias-motivated crimes against homosexuals, but the violence is not an epidemic as gay-activists would have you believe, and the church is not the driving force behind such violent behavior.

The original fervor for this comes from a gay rights group canceling a planned rally on the Minnesota State University Moorhead campus after a homosexual on that campus claimed he was taunted for his sexual orientation and attacked by four men last week. The real uproar is over the fact that after it was investigated, police stated that the reported assault was not a hate crime. The victim was interviewed again later and finally admitted there were no anti-gay remarks and believes he was pushed down and injured by "unknown" assailants.

In other words because he's gay he figured he could scream "hate crime" and help his agenda. It was a false report.

Another case that assisted in spurring on H.R. 1592 (Hate Crime Bill) is the case of a 72 year old gay man in Detroit who claimed to have a "hate crime" perpetrated against him. This case is one of many to be exploited by the liberals in Congress, which has whipped up an emotional frenzy among the Democrats, and has been used to justify the introduction of the "Hate Crimes" bill. Guess what? The Detroit case turned out to be a false report just like the one in Minnesota, but in this case, nothing ever happened at all in the first place! It was a completely fraudulent report!

The homosexual lobby considers any crime, assault or inconsiderate bump against a homosexual a "hate crime." Doesn't matter if it had nothing to do with the fact that the individual was gay. Democrats are all emotional over what is obviously dishonesty on the part of the gay-rights crowd, and also are hoping that Bush will veto this bill so that they can proclaim later that he does not support gays, and that he is just as guilty as the rest of us for not accepting these poor, down-trodden people.

And eventually something like this bill will pass through. Why? Because we have been desensitized, and taught that we are insensitive people for thinking that homosexuality is immoral.

What's even worse is this agenda's backing and teaching all began in our public schools.

The public schools are teaching that homosexuality is natural and normal. Homosexual advocates have injected pro-homosexuality discussions into early grade classrooms, including kindergarten, in the name of tolerance and diversity. In middle school and high school our children are being encouraged to "come out" as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or even transgender. Homosexual school clubs are popping up all over campuses (remember, it is wrong to have a Christian Club on campus, but Gay Clubs, Islamic Clubs, la Raza clubs, etc. are perfectly okay). A complete moral breakdown is permeating our public schools. Sexual activity is rampant, and encouraged.

The agenda, which begins in our schools, climax with the Democrats in office. In both settings they promote victimology, discuss alternative families, celebrate the diversity of homosexuality, enact non-discrimination codes in schools and now upon us in public (unless of course you are a conservative, Christian, or Jew, then discrimination is encouraged), promote coming out, promote gay pride, try to use homosexual role models to convince us that such immorality is okay, and equate any disagreement with hate, bigotry and prejudice.

Just by writing this post I am sure Political Pistachio will be quickly added to the "Hate List" of homosexual and lesbian groups. Why? Because I support Biblical Truth? And besides, the bill is unconstitutional (by setting up special classes of victims when all people under the constitution should be treated equally), and sets up the same thing the Fairness Doctrine does: the eventual death of Freedom of Speech.

The Left believes in Freedom of Speech as long as you agree with them.

The trap has been set, and the Homosexual Agenda is ready to strike. The veto of the "Hate Crimes" bill is just another notch in their agenda.


For more information about how the Homosexual Agenda is being pushed on our children, check out:

Leader U

Jeremiah Project

For more information on H.R 1592, check out:

Care 2




kris said...

"this "hate crimes/gay-friendly" legislation which basically outlines that anything done or said against homosexuality is a hate crime"

I don't think that's quite right.

Under current law, hate crimes are subject to federal prosecution only if the acts of violence are motivated by race, religion, color or national origin. Federal prosecutors get involved only if the victim is engaged in a federally protected activity, such as voting or participating in interstate commerce.

So I struggle to see how the proposed legislation would fetter your preaching of the Gospel.

There are two ways of arguing the point: either you believe that no group needs or should have special protection; or that there are some groups that are so oppressed that they continue to require special protection.

In that case, either pass the law or repeal ALL hate crimes legislation.

Simple as that.

kris said...
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kris said...


My favorite of your links is the "Affirmative Action for Homosexuals". LOL! People have raised that in the past on this and other forums. If anyone has a contact with the gay scholarship or job people, I'd be grateful- because, like an IDIOT, I've shelled out for all of my higher education out of my own pocket.

I do understand your concerns about the "gay agenda". There are plenty of "rent a gobs" who's entire purpose in life is to be gay.

My agenda is to finish my exams in June, get a job, hang out with my friends and have a quiet life.

For every Rosie, there are 100 like me.

Elmo said...
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David Odeen said...

Amen Kris, I love your spirit and I am a male!! hahahaha! Hey Doug aren't all crimes related to some kind of HATE? Just asken... .If I am a white guy and I ax apart a white man..I'll guarantee its because I a m fellin some hate

Douglas V. Gibbs said...

"Hate Crimes" in the strictist definition would entail all crime in a sense, but you know what I mean. . .and for those that think this is no big deal, remember, the little things add up. First it begins as something small, then the next step is achieved, and before you know it, your country is a full-fledged socialistic society with government dictating how you act, what you say, and what you are even allowed to think.

Unknown said...

The left scares me...fear mongerers.

Obob said...

I do support gay marriage. I have friends who are gay. No biggie, but once again the Democrats and the left are taking a very important issue and turnig into very weak political capital. Like the abuse of the black vote by democrats, they are attempting to manipulate the public into seeing things one way. The press and the DPOs will do their part. This could flip against them. In the frail spirit of this law, we could see people of the right poltical persuasion use this a a selfdefense mechanism from kosmandos who zealouly attack thier views and health. As mythololgical as that lst staemtn was, so were the "assults" you pointed out.

kris said...

here's the thing, not all gay people want gay marriage. I think most understand that the concept of marriage derives from the religious sacrament of marriage. From my point of view, there is no point in pretending to be something you're not, or to have a ceremony that isn't quite right.

Having said that, if gay couples want to make it "official" they can, in the UK at least, enter into a civil partnership. I think that is fair enough.

The trouble for the left is that they given up any sense of what they stand for that all they can do is try to manoever themseves into whatever is "anyone but bush".

Obob said...

sorry how bad the spelling was in my post, spellcheck is my crutch.
And I cannot agree enough Kris about the "anyone but Bush" mentality of the left. They support Hugo Chavez, embolden al-queda, worship Castro and Che, and the list goes on ........

Anonymous said...

Kris - are you gay? Are you bi? As for the not all people want gay marriage, at least most gay people don't want to deny other gay people the same rights to marry the person that you love, as straight people.

If I'm not mistaken, DG, himself, married, and has near adult children with, an illegal immigrant, who only became legal 2 weeks ago.

kris said...

Kitty, you disingenous troll.

You know good and well that I am gay- so does Douglas- so what are you playing at?

Why don't you just tell us what we all really want to know: are you?

I have no desire to get married. None of my friends have any desire to get married. I don't even know anyone personally that has signed up for a civil partnership.

So are you still piping up for the "gay community" or is that the crack-pot community?

kris said...

Ha, Ha Kitty

Just listening to Doug's show now you little stirrer.

But after listening to that you must think I'm doubly in trouble- I'd better come out as a barrister too.

Oh dear.

Douglas V. Gibbs said...

Mudkitty, your idiotic comment that Mrs. Pistachio was illegal until two weeks ago shows how much of an idiot you are, and why you've been banned. This has already been explained, but your liberal brain obviously can't understand the obvious so I will spell it out: She came to America legally as an immigrant child of parents who came over legally as "resident aliens". They immigrated legally, but chose not to pursue citizenship at that time. Two weeks ago Mrs. Pistachio became a naturalized citizen. That does not mean she was illegal before, you frickin' idiot. I will not delete that one so that everyone can see your idiocy. The rest shall continue to be deleted without comment. As for gays: From a Christian perspective I believe that homosexuality is an immoral act. However, as I stated on my radio show, I do not believe that people should be jailed for it, or crap like that the left accuses me of. Being gay is a personal preference that some people choose (no matter how wrong I believe it is) and should be left up to the individual on how they run their life. However, marriage is a God-made institution and should not be soiled by something outside the belief system of Christianity. Civil unions? Don't like them, and it is a compromise I don't think we should be making, but if that is necessary to keep marriage sacred, we may have to allow it. As for this bill on the table, I will not allow any group the ability to be treated preferential over another group or be allowed to use the law in ways that others can't. H.R. 1592 opens up the ability for abuse of the system, and allows a group of people who has "chosen" their lifestyle ("chosen" used purposely based on "my" belief system, others may disagree) to take away rights of others. I am not defending criminals or abusers or those who assault others, I am saying that if someone cries "hate crime" it shouldn't automatically make the other person guilty before proven innocent, and that is what this bill will do as pointed out in my examples. Tom, Mudkitty, do not drag Mrs. Pistachio into your lies and idiocy again.

Anonymous said...

I dunno guys. Just because I don't have homosexual feelings or tendancies, doesn't mean I can tell someone who does feel that way that they are wrong. I don't like tomatoes and I can't tell someone else who does that they're wrong. If I can't relate to it, how can I condemn someone else's feelings?

Anyway, I saw a movie recently called God & gays: bridging the gap. I found it quite interesting.It really reminded me of what my call of being a Christian is really about. Read up on the movie at

Douglas V. Gibbs said...

I do not believe that gays should be locked away or anything like that - in fact, this post is more about the fact that this bill allows an individual group preferential treatment over others, and over choice. However, even though I defend the rights of people to do as they please (including being gay), I do not want any group, be it gays, Islam, or atheists, to push their agenda on, especially in the devious manner (through the school system for one) as does the homosexual agenda. Besides, think about it, as morality is being pushed aside, does it not seem strange that moralities that were once deemed horrid are now being pushed upon everybody, and are being expected to be accepted as a perfectly acceptable behavior. Decay is catching, and like a disease will spread through society until it crumbles - and we are welcoming it with open arms. I am not being narrow-minded, I am being a patriot.